She was  in her garden where the flowers were bloomed as it was Spring. The fragrance reached her nostrils, making her take in the peace they gave. Nature was the only thing that gave her peace before Manik's footprints on her life. The Chirping of birds made her sigh peacefully and she turned on her heels to get inside the house but a pair of hazel orbs held her in place. She was already Home. Her black ocean eyes were deeper and Manik Malhotra knew that not only oceans can drown him but also the pair of black ones she owned.

The feeling when her eyes shined in happiness seeing him, made him feel so blessed like he was the special kid of God. She always made him feel that way. The way he didn't know one could ever feel, the way that no words could ever describe. He took baby steps, reaching her and they stayed, drowning in eachother's eyes.

"Manik" She whispered before her hand feeling his face. A tear left her eye as she remembered those five days without him. He cupped her cheeks, wiping the tears that cascaded down when he touched her. He gently kissed her crown and she closed her eyes, living in the moment. She hugged him tightly, fearing that he might not be true but he was.

"Where did you go Manik? Do you know how much I missed listening to your heartbeat when sleeping? I missed you so much. Never do this again. I was scared that it was the end of us." She cried, grapsing him tightly like a child lost her father in a crowd. He stroked her hairs, knowing that it would calm her down as she loved it when he did that. He pulled back and cupped her cheeks again.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing her tears away.

"I missed you too. I can't stay away from you. I just couldn't. And let me make one thing clear that there is nothing like end for us." He spoke and embraced her.
He realised. He realised that he couldn't stay away from her and that he couldn't hurt her. His heartbeat was her favourite song and her heart could dance on its tune. Minutes passed by with them embracing eachother, relishing the moment.

"Nandini you trust me right?" He asked, breaking the hug.

"More than anything in this world."

He smiled widely and blindfolded her. She didn't protest because she knew her Manik would not let any harm near her.

"Mukti." He called for his best friend who had been with him from childhood and also was a friend of Nandini.
She came in the garden with a gang of three girls. She blinked her eyes to Manik and he kissed Nandini's forehead before whispering 'I'm waiting'.

Nandini failed to fathom what was happening around and her eyes were still blindfolded. The one girl was turning her around and the other was working on her hair, curling them up and straightening some. She did ask Mukti and in return she shuhsed her.

They drew her to the place where she proposed him, their place. When she was made ready, she guessed what was going to happen but yet wasn't sure. She was feeling ecstatic like she could see stars shining with her closed eyes. Manik stood infront of her, unfolding the piece that was covering his love's eyes. She looked at him and was sure what was going to happen-
Their wedding!

"Will you marry me Nandini Murthy? Right here, right now?" He asked, bending on his kness infront of her princess, happily for he knew her answer would be yes.

"Yes! Yes and Yes!" She exclaimed, jumping on him and he grinned like a fool seeing his girl so happy.

Soon they exchanged rings and got married. The ever so beautiful smile didn't leave their face, not even for a second. This was her dream. She couldn't be more happier for she was living her dream.

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