Enter Regina the bully P2

Start from the beginning

When Emma came back, There was a familiar warmth on her left Hand. Emma snapped her eyes opened and she heard a gasp. Regina came Into view. She had been crying and a beautiful smile came to her lips.
"Oh Emma! You scared me!"
Emma felt her anger rising. How could she been so careless? Let Regina so easy?
Emma flinched and ripped her hand off Regina. Regina frown and gaped.
"Emma what-"
"Get the fuck away from me"
Regina took a step back as her heart clenched painfully.
Emma glared and jumped off the medical bed and stumbled a bit. Regina rushed and tried to help but her hands were slapped away by the blonde.
"Don't fucking touch me"
Emma recomposed herself and glared at Regina one last time before whispering.
"Sorry for being born Regina"
And she walked off leaving a sobbing Regina behind.
Regina kneeled and collapsed. Her world going around and around. She remembered that day. She didn't mean Emma... She never meant Emma. She screwed up. She always screwed up.
"See Regina, love is weakness, it destroys you"
Regina glared up to see Cora standing at the door of the nurse ward. The woman morphed her face into one of a kind mother and extended her hand to Regina.
Regina took it.

Emma stormed through the field and everyone let the fuming blonde pass. Everyone except Neal.
"Emma what's wrong?"
Emma snapped at Neal and took one look at his face before her anger got away. She better get all of it out.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!? Are you so damn dense Neal that you don't get a simple 'no.. I'm a lesbian' I mean Jesus Neal! It's been three years and you still didn't get the message! And I've kissed girls! Just leave me alone Neal"
Neal stood rooted to the spot nonplussed and Emma rolled her eyes before heading to the changing rooms to get changed. Mulan stood away from her know that is was best to let the blonde cool off. Ruby had already left with Killian when the game ended and Emma could get to her car without further distractions.
She drove faster than usual to her house and when she got there she practically smashed the door closed and entered the garage. Kathryn jumped a little from her place at the piano as her twin fumed. She knew that face too well. Regina.
Emma hold her finger to shush her and Kat did.
"Just play Kat I'm not In the mood"
Kat gulped and nodded. She started the intro of a song that made Emma relax instantly.
"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are,
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I'll set you apart"

Emma felt her leg buzzing and took her phone out.

Emma can we please talk? It's Regina
If you want to talk meet me at granny's in half an hour.

Emma glared at the letters and ignored the message all together.

'Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard,
Oh take me back to the start'

Regina was panicking.
She had escaped her mother and ran up to Granny's to meet Emma. But Emma was late as so Regina waited. Half an hour became one and soon she waited two hours. Regina felt disgusted with herself, she was just so stupid and made the wrong mistakes.
"She isn't coming"
Came a sever voice and Regina looked up to se Ruby frowning at her.
"I screwed up"
Before Ruby could speak Regina scurried out of granny's and ran. Her tears getting lost in the wind as very nostalgic haunting thoughts invaded her mind. When she arrived at the mansion she was drenched in sweat but she isn't care.
She had an excuse.
"Regina what the hell did you do?"
Her mother scolded as she saw her all sweaty. Regina slowly turned with watery eyes.
"I screwed up"
She sobbed and went to her room. Like in a trance she walked to her bathroom, slowly stripping her cloths to the ground. She filled her tub with suitable water and then she took it out, her razor.

'I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart'

Emma just sat there thinking about all her past. Why did Regina always looked at her like that? Why did she treat her like shit and now when she's back they are all lovey dove with each other and making eyes? Was it something that happened in Boston? Or was it part of something much bigger? An ultimate prank?
That made the most sense, and Emma walk right into it.

'Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming as we are'

Kat kept singing and Emma listened still mad at Regina. Of course the blonde had stood her up, Regina deserved it and much more. Emma was cut off by a groan coming from inside the house but quickly dismissed it since, well her mother still had a month to go.
Should she forgive Regina? Try to make it work?

'Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start'

With a final glare at the ground she decided, that no, she shouldn't.
David busted through the door making the twins jump. He looked agitated and sweaty and only said one sentence to make everyone panic.
"The baby is coming!"

Regina started slow in the tub. The moment the sweet pain shot through her wrist and invaded her senses her body relaxed and she felt the disgusted leave her. She deserved this, no she deserved more. So she continued. She was trying very hard not to go over the limit, she didn't want to die only create pain. Her memories has bloomed from her mind and she was quietly sobbing, listening to Zelena pound on the door. She let her memories of bullying Emma and her suffering over take her as she continued cutting. Suddenly Regina felt it hurt much more and opened her eyes. Blood, she knew there would be a little blood, but this blood was gushing from her wrist never stopping. She had cut too deep. Reina tried to get of the tub but her wounded hands gave her an she stumbled to the floor hitting her head. Darkness appeared on the corner of her vision as she saw the floor being painted by her blood.

When Emma got to the hospital with her sister, her father was already there and they where taking her mother to a preparation room. She was nervously pacing around and it was starting to drive her sister mad.
"Can you please stop!?"
Kat snapped and Emma did. With a sigh, Kat stood up and walked to her twin extending an arm which Emma took questioningly.
"c'mon let's go for a walk around the hospital okay?"
Emma nodded and they walked, clearing their minds. She wondered how long till their brother was born, and what would his name be?
Her parents wanted to call him Neal, but Emma strongly disagreed.
Kathryn said questions and ma frowned.
"No that's a girls name Kat"
Emma said but her thought was cut when she heard.
"Oh god Kathryn"
Emma looked up to see the oldest of the Mills children rushing to her sister. Why was Zelena here? Dread filled her gut as she saw Zelena's fear and tear falling from the ocean eyes.
Zelena sobbed confirming Emma's suspicion.
"She went to deep Kat"
Those four first words hit Emma hard, shattering and crushing her world down. Regina was cutting herself? And most importantly, she went too deep, was she alive? Was it suicide? Emma looked up at Zelena with her own tears falling.
"Where is she?"
Emma asked in a whisper and Zelena pointed a door. Kat rushed and barged in while Emma walked slowly, she was thinking the worst happened.
And she was wrong.
Regina laid there in the hospital bed sleeping with her wrists covered with gauze. She was tucked into the bed and her bare legs where in the display showing off old scars the brunette did to herself. Emma finally understood why Regina had pushed her off that day in the Spanish lesson. Because she was about to touch her scars.
Kat sobbed and cradled her friends head against her chest. Emma felt a pang of guilt, she did this. Somehow this was her fault. Zelena walked in with a guy in a tow and looked at Emma.
"It wasn't your fault"
Zelena whispered to Emma and the guy continued.
"Or Regina's, hi I'm Walsh"
Walsh extended his hand and Emma shook it. Her phone buzzed and she took it to see a message from her father.


"Kat, the baby is here"
Emma said and her sister looked up.
"Go ahead now I'll call you when she wakes"
Zelena said cleaning her face from her tears as Walsh hugged her.
Emma and Kathryn nodded as they rushed. Emma silently prayed for Regina to be fine.
She was going to make this right and for that she had to know Regina's side of their story.

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