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Thank you thank you so much to everyone who supported my first ever story, 'Just too sick to function'

I am forever grateful, I hope you enjoyed the story even though it was not really good. Maybe nagkulang ako sa research sa mga diseases, so I'm sorry

And also sa grammar and typos sa story, I am really really sorry, I hope you can still understand the story despite of these mistakes

Thankful also to MochisNCream for supporting and mentioning this story in her other story, inviting some of her readers to read this and also to my sister who helped me in translating some words!

I am also thankful to my friends who also read the story and gave likes to this story!

And ofcourse, I'm thankful to God for giving me strength to finish this!

Thank you so much everyone! I am starting another story, I hope you will support that as well.

God Bless You All!❤❤❤

Stay safe and Healthy!

Just Too Sick To FunctionWhere stories live. Discover now