Yaoi Fangirls...and fanboy

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At England's House~

England: America! You twit! Stop playing with that hose!

America:*stucks tongue out to him* Bleh! Nevah Iggy! Nevah! *plays with the hose while water goes out of the hose making the floor wet and slippery*

England: You bloody twi- Ahhhh *slips then bumps America making them fall together, America fell flat on his back while England on top of him*

Me&London2722:*fangirls in the distance* USUK! *then nosebleeds*

At Germany's House~

Germany: Italy! Vhat are jou doing now?

Italy: Veh Germany-san! Can you help me clean this mess up?

Germany: *goes to the kitchen where Italy is* O-O Vhat zhe hell...

Italy:*covered in pasta sauce* Veh Germany-san I'm sorry!

Germany:*sighs then gets a towel nearby then starts wiping the pasta off of Italy that they were so close* It's ok Italy...

Me&London2722:*fangirls in the distance* GerIta! *then nosebleeds*

At Spain's House~

Me:*goes to Spain while Romano is still not there* Hey Spain!

Spain:*sees me then walks over to me too* Ola chica~! What are you doing here?

Me: *looks at him with an evil grin* I have some plans for you~...

Spain:*looks uncomfortable* Uh okay...

Me: I want you to hug Romano and kiss his cheek, got it?

Spain: Um okay, but why?

Me: It's none of your business! Now I'll be leaving! If you did not do what I had told you, I'll hide all your tomatoes! Got it?*leaves*

Spain:*salutes me* Yes Ma'am!

~Timeskip brought to you by Romano's Cursing~

Spain: Ola Roma! Where have you been my darling?

Romano: Chigi! Don't-A call me that you-a Tomato Bastardo!

Spain:*frowns* aww don't be so mean Roma! *hugs Romano*

Romano:*struggles out of his grip* Let-a me go you-a bastardo!

Spain: *kisses his cheek* Can you calm down now?

Romano:*blushes then looks away* Fine-a... I'll-a let you-a off this time...

Me&London2722: *fangirls in the distance* Oh my God Spamano! *nosebleeds then faints*

At Japan's House~

Me&London2722:*wipes nose with tissue from to much bleeding*

London2722: I feel a bit light-headed from loosing so much blood from my nose!

Me: Yeah me too...

You:*walks in* hey guys, are the pictures done? I want a copy!*walks to Japan*

Japan:*works on the pictures* It's not yet done...

Hungary: I am so worked up for this!

Me:^-^ It was so fun spying up on people!

London2722: *clings on me* Yeah!

Japan:*finishes the pictures*...*nosebleeds*

Hungary: Let me see!

You: me too!

Hungary&You:*looks at the pictures*...*nosebleeds* Oh my God you guys are amazing! *hugs me and London2722*

Me&London2722:*hugs back*

Japan:*joins them*

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