15 2 0

Den: ·_·

England: ·_·

America: Cool... Longest staring contest ever...*Takes a picture and looks at it in awe* I gotta post this *leaves*

Den: ·_·

England: ·_·...~_~... ¡_¡ I lost to a girl...

Den:*fistbumps* Yeah! I win! I win! I win! *ruffles England's hair* I win bro! ^_^

America: ¡_¡ I thought I was your only bro?

Den:*looks at America then stucks tongue out* Well you didn't play with me so you're not my bro.

America: ·_·?

Den: I lost Matt!

America: 0_0 really?

Den: eh no -.- got ya dude!

America: -_- stupid...

Den:*skips in to the sunset* lalalala

England:=_= that is so random.

America: yeah...

Dipper:*appears* what the?

Mabel:*appears then falls on top of Dipper* ow. Where are we?

Dipper: ow. Get off of me Mabel!

Den: o_0 whaaaa?

Dipper: 0_0

Mabel: ^_^ nice shirt lady!


America: they are not even anime!

England: The author must have teleported them here...stupid author...

Author: you idiot! You just broke the fourth wall! And I like gravity falls so I teleported them here!

England: But they do not belong here!

Dipper and Mabel: *slowly backs away*

Den:*kidnaps both of them* ^-^ you're coming with me...

Japan: Author-san they are not anime prease send them back...

Author: Oka-

Den: No! they're mine! *hisses*

Dipper and Mabel: *tries to struggle out of Den's grip*

Den:*still hugging them not letting them escape*

Canada: *sighs* This is sooooo random, I wish they would notice me...

Author: fine *snaps fingers then the two siblings are gone*

Den:¡_¡ noooo!

Author:*quickly disappears*


Everyone in the room: *leaves*

(A/N: okay? They just broke the fourth wall and brought me there, I know this is kinda weird because I'm already Den, but the thing is, in here the "Den" there is my clone so I am the author, so yeah, Sooo Random right? And the thing about gravity falls? If you know them and love them you are now my official mate! But if not well poor you...just kidding! Hehehe... Sayonara!




And if possible,


Sayonara readers!)

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