1. Crazy Pero Cute

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I never did find out what those frozen tubes of deliciousness were called. I'm still dead by the way but now I'm a ghost and a pretty lonely one at that. I usually keep myself busy by keeping up with my friends, family, and just having some alone time to myself which isn't difficult. The only thing I like about this whole dead thing is being able to go anywhere I want and mess with whoever I want, and messing with lifers is literally the most fun I ever have. I spend most of my time at the beach where I died, which I know is kinda sad but it's a nice place to hang out plus I practically live in my beach house. Yes, I know I died there too.

On this particular Sunday, I did find a very odd boy sitting at my beach, wearing an outfit someone shouldn't be wearing to the beach; Black skinny jeans, black dress shoes, a flannel shirt wrapped around his waist and a leather jacket. To be fair, before I walked up to him, he did take the jacket off and lay it next to him, revealing white shirt underneath, but that whole outfit was a no for a beach or for this heat. Either he's having an existential crisis or he's just plain crazy. I thought it was the latter but I still went up to him and looked down at him, laying in the sun with his eyes closed. He was cute with his rosy cheeks and pushed back black hair. He was tapping his fingers on his chest and swaying his head a little.

"Oh, so he is a little loquito," I whispered to myself and shook my head. "Sad, he was cute."

I tried to walk through him to make my way back to the beach house so I can go rest from all the swimming I did this morning, but the cute, crazy boy was not easily walked through. With a screech, I fell almost on top of him and he screamed, and I didn't hold back my scream either.

"Oh my god! I'm so so sorry," I said and pushed myself off his chest with my hands, sitting up. "I didn't mean to fall on you. I'm so sorry."

"You fell on me!" He shouted and propped himself on his elbows. "That hurt!"

I waved my hands in a panic mode. "Sorry, I thought I could walk through you, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

The boy shook his head at me and smiled at me, giving me a proper look since I fell on top of him. "It's fine. I'm– Wow, you're beautiful and– Oh."

He looked away, his face growing even pinker than before, obviously embarrassed by what he said.

"Thank you," I looked down at myself and I realized I'm basically straddling his right thigh with one of my hands just below his chest to hold myself up, still just in a bikini top and shorts. "Oh, joder. Sorry."

I got off him and sat next to him, my legs crossed in front of me and I pushed my hair in front of my chest, to make him less uncomfortable. "Sorry, about that. So are you okay?"

The boy cleared his throat and cautiously looked back at me. "Yeah, I'm fine."

His voice cracked and he cleared his throat trying to hide it away but I just smiled at him and tried to hide my amusement. "Well, that's good. I thought you were alive and I could walk through you, but I guess not."

His eyes widened and he gasped, grabbing his body and then looking at me. "You fell on me!"

I laughed at the smile that grew on his face and he even poked my knee. "I can touch you!"

"Well, yeah, you're a ghost, right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Does that mean you're a ghost too?"

"Yup, for a few years now," I said. "I'm going to guess you're new to this? Like being a ghost? Ooo, can I guess where you died? Ummmm."

He was giving me such an incredulous look as I talked and I knew I was going way too fast but whenever I did meet ghosts I always tried to guess when and how they died. It made me feel better about myself.

Dead and Deader ( Reggie / Julie and the Phantoms )Where stories live. Discover now