"I missed you." he says

I look away then look back at him.

"i missed you too." He kisses me ..I can feel his tongue asking for entrance and I grant it to him. He picks me up and I wrap my legs and arms around him. He pushes the stuff off his desk sitting me on top. I let out a soft moan as he kisses my neck. He starts unbuttoning my jeans but that's when I stop him.

"Jay.... Wait.. i'm still not ready." I say looking down.

He sighs.

"look at me". he says and I shake my head no. He tilts my head up looking me in my eyes smiling.

"Aye imma still love you regardless if we fuck or not.. yea I want you physically but I got you mentally and emotionally.. and that's all I need."

I don't know why to say... but I know he just made me love him even more.

I kiss him again hugging him.

"I love you bubba". I say
"I love you too shawty".

I hop off the desk buttoning my pants back up. "You wanna go somewhere?" I ask him looking up at him. "Yea let me grab my keys." He reaches in his desk grabbing his keys and phone going towards the door opening it for me.

Jaylen comes walking from down stairs which I'm guessing is a attic or storage room.
"Y'all finna go?" Jaylen ask' us.

"Yea we prolly finna go out to eat or some."
"Ight foo yall be safe hit me up later".

"Ight." They dap and stuff and Jayceon grabs my hand as we walk outside.

We go to his car get in and he starts it.

We drive down the road past all the deserted shit and get back to the city.

"Soooo yo birthday in a couple days you ready?" He says as we stop at a stop light.

"Yea I guess seems like it's gone be a normal day since me and Zaia not talking nomo." I say scrolling through social media.

"But you can't let that shit stop you from doing you.. bae friendships come and go".

"Yea but me and her been best friends since diapers shit like that don't heal over night."

"Yea but Yeen finna just be moping around Shii at least not when you with me."

"Okay big head but what we finna eat I'm hungry." I say as my stomach growls.

"Shii I can tell yo ass hungry asf but ughh what you want?"

"It really don't matter you know I eat anything."

"Yea I know surprised Yeen eating on nothing now."

"Shit that just reminded me I got some sun flower seeds".

"Bae no cap I know them bitches be good and all but you not finna be spitting them hoes all over my car."

"Boy hush that's why you got a window". I pop a couple in my mouth getting of all the flavor and start cracking em but when I go to spit them out they miss the window.

"See that's that shit I'm talking bout."

He grabs the whole bag rolls down his window and lunges em and the seeds fly all over sumbody car.
They beep they horn flicking him off.

" awe they tryna be tuff grab the wheel bae."

"Bae wha—?" Before I could get a full sentence out he lets go of the wheel and reaches under his seat grabbing his gun point it at them they push down on their breaks causing the other person behind them to crash into the back of their car.

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