on edge

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a month passes it's, november. a couple of days before the boys leave for australia and before thanksgiving, not that i was keeping track or anything absurd like that. calum should of just neglected that information, because i've thinking about it since he said it. in fact i really tried my hardest not to think about luke at all. my issue was when i had to leave the house. my work visits, like today, were fine, but when, i needed groceries, or hanging out with holly at a restaurant, i was completely and 100% on edge. i kept low in public but was also looking around me casually, not to make a big deal. but if i had a run in with him, alone, id choke and probably run, or faint. can't tell which one was worse. but thus far, i haven't seen him. ive been on time to the firm a lot more lately. something about texting calum nowadays made me feel at home. when it was getting a little late he would send a quick text about how he's glad im staying in touch with him but that i should probably go to bed soon. and more often than not, i heeded his advice and my eyebags thanked me graciously. i was still physically and emotionally exhausted elsewhere. walking into work, i handed my leftover lasagna i made for lucinda and her family, she thanked me graciously. i plopped into my desk chair, not wanting to go through legal arguments whatsoever when i get a text from someone. i pull out my phone and run my hand through my hair and im genuinely surprised that it's my cousin, wendy. i haven't heard from her in forever.

from wendy💕
hey lady i miss you tons, are you still down to attend the wedding? just let me know we know
know you live so far away, but parker and i would love you there!

the ever so constant pang of guilt that ive been getting lately rang through again. home is becoming a constant struggle for me recently. i visited twice since ive been here. but i leave the holidays for my to brew in my apartment of sadness. but im missing it more than wanting to be away from it nowadays. maybe its talking to nick recently, maybe its wendy. maybe, honestly, its calum. he really did remind me so much of home when i saw him. all of those maybes are equal possibilities. all i know is, i needed my accent back. so i booked a flight to australia for the weekend so i can take a couple of days off in preparation for the wedding. i text wendy back the second that's done.

from natalia💗
as a matter of fact, yes i do plan on going, i'll see you there for your big day! i'll be down in a couple of days :)

from wendy💕
that's what i like to hear! the fam probably can't wait to see you! see you soon nat <3

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