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The pain was getting worse.

  At first it was difficult to notice; just a light pressure, but now it was starting to get painful. Of course, he wouldn't mention it to Skrap-it purely because he didn't want him to know he was feeling like this. Weak. Vulnerable... Who knew missing a small bolt would cause this much pain? Not him, that's for sure. At least they were almost there now anyway.

  Skrap-it looked up at the t-trux as he ran beside him. Somehow he could sense that the other was in pain, but didn't want to ask him about it. He knew from experience that D-Structs didn't take well to conversations about physical feelings or even emotion. Unless it was anger. So this time he didn't actually say anything and continued to look at the path ahead.

  They made it to where the scrap pile was just outside of Scraptor Valley after a few more minutes. Much to both of their relief there didn't seem to be any scraptors hanging around.

  "Ohhoho, you weren't- SKZZZT- kidding when you said there was a big pile of scrap~" he said dreamily, practically drooling at the sight of it all. There were so many different kinds of bolts- some new, some old, some rare and some not... The same went for all of the other parts which were in the pile and around it too. It was perfect...

  "Skrap-it." D-Structs warned, catching onto the tools oncoming fantasies. "We haven't come here for you to add to your growing scrap collection. We came here to get a bolt to fix my tread, so get on with finding it." he said sternly.

  Skrap-it sighed sadly, "Fine... Could I at least get a- SKZZZT- few pieces for my collection..?" he asked in a hopeful tone, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

  "Don't try to manipulate me, scraptool." he growled. The trux then picked him up with his tail before lightly throwing him onto the pile of scrap. He would have thrown him with more force but remembered about his injured tail. He didn't want to make another surprise visit at Ty and his friends' garage to get Scrap-it fixed again. That had been a very embarrassing day for him.

  The scraptool huffed and got to work, starting to filter through the different parts as efficiently as possible, talking to himself as he did so. "That's not it... This isn't it either..." He tossed the parts to the side which weren't of any use at the moment before picking up a rare golden bolt for an ankylodump. "Ooo, look at this- SKZZZT- part! It's so pretty..." he said, presenting it to D-Structs.

  D-Structs' eyes narrowed. "Is that the bolt you need for repairing my tread?" he asked, voice threatening because he already knew the answer.

  Skrap-it twitched, looking down. "No... it's not. But it's still pretty." he said defensively and placed the bolt to the side. After hearing the t-trux growl he quickly went back to searching for the required bolt.

  "Could you search any faster? It's going to get dark by the the time you find it." D-Structs commented. Impatience was natural for him, but this kind of impatience was being fuelled by something else- pain.

  "I'm searching as fast as I can, D. There's a lot of scrap here ya know?" He moved a piece of scrap metal away which revealed the bolt he needed. "Oh! Found- SKZZZT- it!" he exclaimed happily.

  But the bolt wasn't all that was revealed... A scraptor was too. It had presumably been sleeping in the scrap before being awoken by a chattery scraptool who, at the moment, had no idea it was there. He was too busy admiring the t-trux bolt he had found.

  The scraptor jumped out from the big pile and made a screeching noise, causing the scraptool to turn around quickly.

  "Scraptor!" he shouted in fear. The tool ran behind D-Structs on instinct, knowing the t-trux would have no problem with showing this creature who was boss around here. At least, that's what he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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