A Hit Too Many

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The wind howled outside as the storm grew even worse. It seemed to be going on for hours, and maybe it had been. The scraptool had lost count of how long they'd been in here for. He was practically freezing and huddled into a corner, shivering while D-Structs was near the warm lava.

  "We could cuddle..?" Skrap-it's voice broke the usual ominous silence in the cave. Well, D-Structs' cave. He'd made that perfectly clear to Skrap-it many times before that this was HIS cave and HIS cave only. That often left the scraptool wondering why he was allowed to stay in there with him, but assumed that it was just convenient for him to be there in case he needed a repair. A small part of him still hoped that he allowed him to stay because D-Structs actually enjoyed his company... But no. They weren't even a 'we' now after he'd yet again failed him...

  Skrap-it looked over at the t-trux with a hopeful look on his face, though deep down he knew that it was a wasted attempt. A low growl from said trux proved those thoughts and he in return lowered his head submissively. He didn't want to get hurt by him again...

  D-Structs huffed and glanced over to where the draft was coming from before realising that the entrance to the cave was slightly open. That was definitely causing the cold air to invade his cave. "Skrap-it." he said in a snappy tone, causing the tool to flinch. "Go shut the entrance." was the order.

  The scraptool immediately made his way over to where it was, "Right away- SKZZZT- D-Structs!" he said. He tried to reach the door but found that he was too small. Not wanting to let the other down again he jumped up and hung off of it, attempting to pull it down with his rather light weight. "Allllmost got it..." he said, mostly speaking to himself. After a few more failed attempts he pulled it one last time, and hard. However, instead of it closing it somehow triggered the entrance to open fully and the next thing he knew a huge gust of wind hit him, blowing him straight into D-Structs' face with a 'clank'.

  D-Structs growled lowly as the scraptool froze where he was. "H-how about that cuddle..?" he suggested nervously. The t-trux roared and flung the tool off his face, watching as he hit the stone wall with yet another 'clank'. But this time there was a new noise which accompanied it... A metallic crack. Skrap-it whimpered and curled into himself in a protective manner, trembling as if to hold back tears of his silent pain. D-Structs felt his gears drop. Skrap-it never acted like this after a hit. It was always just a casual comment and then they went back to whatever they were doing. He actually felt... bad for him. What? No. Mildly concerned.

  The trux glanced at him again and heard the other sniffle sadly, still curled up in a ball. That's when he realised- his tail. It had bent. "Skrap-it? Uh... I- Are you okay?" he asked. Hell, this felt weird. He'd never asked that in his life.

  "Mmhm, j-just fine..." came the muffled and highly unconvincing reply. D-Structs gulped. He'd never meant to hurt him... Not that much, anyway. He approached the tool and carefully picked him up with his mouth, carrying him over to a flat rock near the lava. Skrap-it's eyes were wide in fear, "I said I'm- SKZZZT- fine!" he said with a nervous twitch in his voice.

  The trux's eyes narrowed, "Your tail is twisted. So you aren't fine." he retaliated, placing him on the rock. Skrap-it curled his tail into himself, still protective and trembling in his vulnerable state. Did D-Structs actually care about him..? Or was this just a cruel trick..?

  "Uhh... You aren't going to smash me, are you..?" he asked nervously.

  The trux growled. "I will if you don't shut up!" he said in a harsh tone, causing the tool to flinch again. He didn't dare to speak now.

  D-Structs hummed quietly and looked around for something that could help fix the other, but he knew that he probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He was a t-trux after all, not a rep-tool. Then he paused. A rep-tool... Didn't Ty and his gang have a bunch of them..? But he couldn't ask them to help due to his excessive pride and stubbornness, so that wasn't an option.

  Skrap-it had started to cry very, very quietly so D-Structs wouldn't be able to hear, but he did. The trux turned around to look at him, "Are you crying?" he asked accusingly.

  Skrap-it froze. "Of- SKZZZT- course not! SKZZZT!" he lied, twitching double time. That always happened when he lied. A big give away...

  D-Structs rolled his eyes. "Don't lie to me, Skrap-it!" he growled out. Then he sighed. "Which I guess means that you're in a lot of pain, right?" To which the tool nodded reluctantly, holding back his emotions. "Great." he said, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

  Skrap-it looked away, "Was that a good great or a bad great..?" he asked. D-Structs growled. "Just shut up and get on my treads." he said. Skrap-it quickly followed the order without a second thought, it being extremely rare for the trux to ever let him go that close to him with permission.

  Once he was on D-Structs' treads the trux opened the entrance and drove out into the raging storm.

  Skrap-it gasped. "Whaaa-? Where are we going? SKZZZT!" he asked.

  "To the flat irons. I can't fix you myself." he said shortly. Pride would have to be put on hold for the sake of the scraptool, and he had to remind himself that he was only doing this for himself. Skrap-it was useful at times so it'd be a shame if he was too injured to do anything.

  The tool decided to stay quiet for once as the trux continued to drive. He tried to comprehend what was going on... D-Structs was going to help him..?

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