Back At The Lair

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D-Structs rolled into his cave, or his lair as he liked to call it, after what seemed like an eternity of driving –
though in reality it was probably only around five minutes or so.

He shut the entrance behind him with his tail and huffed quietly. That was quite a harsh trip through the storm, even for him. A big t-trux who didn't let anyone or anything stand in his way. Apart from Ty and his gang... But not for long. Soon they would be out of his way too and he could once again rule the crater. HIS crater.

The trux glanced down at his right tread to see the scraptool still sitting on there, looking up at him with an almost curious expression on his face.

"You can get off now." the t-trux said in his usual annoyed tone.

Skrap-it immediately hopped off and sat down on the floor in front of him. "Thank you for taking me to get fixed, D-Structs, I... I didn't- SKZZZT- know that you cared about me..." he said softly. He sounded quite emotional about it. And that was because he was. It wasn't often that the t-trux, or anyone, did anything nice for him.

D-Structs growled lowly. "The only reason I took you there was so you wouldn't be too injured to do anything useful for me. Not that you do anything useful anyway." he added before driving past the scraptool and towards the lava, almost crushing him as he did; the tool just managed to jump to the side in time.

"What do you mean I don't- SKZZZT- do anything useful? I do lots of useful things!" he protested, following after him. The t-trux never said that he didn't care about him though...

D-Structs came to a stop near the lava, the place he usually slept to keep warm but at a safe enough distance. "Name one useful thing you've done for me this week." he said, glancing at the scraptool who was now standing near the lava too.

"This week..? Well, I... I- SKZZZT- I don't think I've done anything useful THIS week but last week I did some useful things! Remember when I shouted 'Look out!' when Ty's tail was about to hit you? That was pretty useful of me, r-right?" he asked, looking up at the black and gray t-trux.

"I could've seen Ty's tail coming at me from a mile away. If anything I'd say that you just distracted me." The trux turned his attention back to the lava.

Skrap-it looked down at the cave floor. "Right, of course. I should've- SKZZZT- known that... But that's not the only thing I've done! Remember when I told you where Ty and his- SKZZZT- gang were heading to? Yeah! That was a useful thing I did, wouldn't ya say D?" he asked again.

D-Structs hummed quietly. "I suppose that was useful at the time..." he replied, just as quiet. He was reluctant to say such a thing but the scraptool did have a good point there.

"Ha! See? I am useful!" The tool looked at him with a grin. All Skrap-it ever wanted was a bit of praise from D-Structs but sadly he didn't get any. Even when he did do a useful thing...

"Enough of this. I'm going to rest now and I suggest you do the same. Unless you want to stay up collecting ore for me all night, that is."

Skrap-it shook his head quickly. "I'll have to pass on that one. SKZZZT!" He paused for a moment and then looked at the warm-looking lava. He didn't want to go back to his cold corner part of the cave... Especially not with his injury. "Uh... D-Structs..?" he asked hesitantly.

"What now?" came the cold response of the trux.

Skrap-it hesitated again. Should he ask? What if D-Structs got mad again and kicked him out for good..? It was worth a shot at least... He finally decided to ask. "Can I stay in your part of the cave for tonight..? My part is kinda cold, you see. And dark. And- SKZZZT- lonely. And-"

"If you name one more thing about your part of the lair then you can sleep outside in the storm." he threatened.

"No more naming. Got it. SKZZZT! Does that mean that I can stay near the lava then? Just for tonight..?" he asked in a hopeful tone.

D-Structs huffed. "Fine. Just for tonight." he agreed.

Skrap-it made a happy little noise and then moved to the ledge which D-Structs was on before laying down next to him. Maybe a little too close because the trux then pushed him away a few centimetres with his tread. The tool didn't mind too much, of course, as he was lucky to even be allowed near the lava. This was a big thing for him.

"And don't even think about trying to scrap me again like you did last time." the trux added.

Skrap-it looked at him with an innocent expression. "Well technically I was sleep-scrapping last time... It's not like I could- SKZZZT- control what I was doing..." he said quietly.

D-Structs growled, making the scraptool wince instinctively and start talking again, "Okay, okay! No sleep-scrapping! I'll do my very best to control myself, hehe... SKZZZT!"

The t-trux made a quiet noise which Skrap-it was almost one hundred percent sure was a chuckle, but it was too quiet to make any bold assumptions like that.

Skrap-it shrugged, curled into a ball and then closed his eyes. "Goodniiight D-Structs." he said quietly.

D-Structs grumbled before allowing his own eyes to close for the night. Scrap-it took that response as a goodnight and smiled to himself.

"Best. Night. Ever." he whispered to himself just low enough so D-Structs wouldn't hear him. And he didn't.

The two soon fell asleep, Skrap-it unconsciously making his way further and further towards the greyscale t-trux to curl up against his treads...

D-Structs and Skrap-itWhere stories live. Discover now