A Kiss from Kuroo

Start from the beginning

"Wow Bokuto san sounds smart for once." Yaku said.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean." Bokuto exclaimed.

"It means what it's supposed to mean Bokuto san, but he's right you should talk to her or something." Daichi said, "but for now let's warm up, practice, and then eat."

"Yeah what Daichi said, let's go everyone." Tanaka said.

"Hey Noya san." Kuroo said to the short libreo.

"Hey Asahi san, go on without me okay." Nishinoya exclaimed.

"Okay see you later." Asahi replied.

"Yeah what do you need Kuroo san." Nishinoya then said.

"I need your help on the Y/N chan problem, since you know her the best." Kuroo said.

"Oh well I mean Y/N chan probably wants to talk or something, you could've startled her with that kiss."  Nishinoya pointed out, "or you're just a bad kisser."

"Hmm that's true, but maybe that's the reason." Kuroo realized, "Should I get her something?"

"Don't get anything for her, she doesn't really like presents." Nishinoya said.

"Well how come." Kuroo said.

"Well she likes receiving presents on special occasions but that's it.  Y/N chan is the kind of person that values the little things, so I suggest you just talk to her to clear things up and then you could kiss her as many times as you want."  Nishinoya stated.

"Oh alright, well I'll go talk to her after breakfast and I'll make sure she's happy."  Kuroo said.

"Good now what are you going to talk about." Nishinoya asked.  Kuroo was explaining what his plan is for Y/N as the two walked over to the gym.  While the guys were talking and practicing, the managers were preparing breakfast.

"Hey guys sorry we're late, we kinda woke up late." Yukie explained.

"No that's fine, breakfast today is pretty easy to make anyways."  Y/N said back.

(The annoying stuff starts around here)

"Do you guys need anything or stuff for us to do."  Kaori asked.

"Oh yeah, Kaori san can you cut up the vegetables, and um Eri san can you prepare the meat, thanks," Kiyoko said, "and Mako san can you wash the dishes along with Yukie san please, that would be great."

"Yeah of course," the girls, except for Y/n, Yachi, and Kiyoko said.

"So Y/N chan how was the kiss." Kiyoko asked.

"Wait Y/N chan got kissed?!" Yachi asked, "did you actually see it happen."

"Yes and it was sort of funny."Kiyoko said.

"Lucky." Eri exclaimed.

"Wait really how was it Y/N chan." Mako asked.

"Well it was surprising, but his lips were gentle which was nice."  Y/N replied smiling, "and that's all I have to to say, but he did take me first kiss."

"That's it no tongue or anything." Yukie exclaimed.

"Well of course they wouldn't use tongue Yukie san, they just started dating and that was her first kiss as well."  Kaori pointed out.

"Oh so that's why you ran away." Kiyoko realized.

"Wait Y/N chan ran away, why'd you do that." Yachi exclaimed.

"Well it was my first kiss and I was surprised."  Y/N answered.

"I don't blame her it's startling anyways." Kiyoko agreed, "now we should finish this all up and relax for a bit."

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