Just another day right?

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( y/n pov )

Just another day walking to school I am going through the forest because it is a way for me to feel free between the hells I go to. Almost to school, maybe I should walk a little slower and enjoy my freedom for as long as I can. I just got to school and the pain has already started. (Bully 1) ' Hello bitch how is your life.' And bully 1 pro seeds to kick and punch y/n. ( bully 1) 'what I can't hear you? Let's do it again.' After a little while bully left and y/n walked to the bathroom to clean her self up then she when to class.

~ magical time skip to after school thanks to Jeff's smile ~ owo

Well today wasn't that bad but at least af/n won't be back till late tonight thank god.so I am spending most of my time in the woods.......
Now at my favourite old abandoned treehouse I can relax and unwind.

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