Chapter 10 ~ A Day Of Mourning

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~ Rebekah ~ 

    Exactly one month had passed since my childhood friend and her unborn child had died. But little did they know that I knew about something more that even I am fearful of.

    The fear I have is that there is a Legend about to come true and be born. It has always been in the Glass family blood line. The Legend has stated that when a mother is baring her child of any element from the Glass family blood line and they are killed by a wolf bite; that child will come back and wander the earth as a hybrid until the turn the age that their mother or father or both parents had died at. I was scared about that and about telling Chloe, Dimitri, Michael, Eva and Shane about it.

    On the day of Cassie’s funeral; just as Shay and I were getting ready, a knock sounded at our front door.

    ‘I’ll get it Shay.’ I called out as I went to answer it. Opening the front door; it revealed one of the werewolves that used to work down at Dr. Melissa Winters Doctor’s Surgery.

    ‘Umm…. Hi. I’m look for Rebekah Bryce…. Apparently she’s a physic witch….’ The werewolf boy spoke his voice was gentle.

    ‘That’s me. What can I do for you?’ I asked as I gestured for him to come in. He took a step over the threshold and followed me into the Living Room area of the house.

    ‘My name is Justin Everdai. And…. The child Castile Glass was carrying…. She was my mate.’ Justin explained with tears brimming in her eyes. I nodded my head in understanding and reached out to pat his shoulder. 

    ‘All hope isn’t lost Justin. You might find a new mate one day.’ I explained to him in a comforting manor.

    I then realised that I could tell Justin about Cassie’s family history and about the hybrid child that would appear. 

    ‘Justin,’ I began as he looked up at me. His eyes rimmed red from the crying that he’s been doing. ‘There is a Legend that runs in the Glass family blood line. And because the child that Cassie was baring, is both of her blood line and Shane’s, it’s going to follow with Cassie’s blood line….’ I continued to explain. Justin looked at me with confusion written on his face.

    ‘What is it exactly?’ Justin asked with confusion clear in his voice. I let out a sigh as I thought of the best way to explain it.

    ‘This best way I can explain this, is that…. When Cassie’s friends go to have children…. That’s when the child will come into the situation….’ I explained. Justin just looked at me if I was crazy but then I continued.

   ‘Then when the children that Cassie’s friends have go to the Academy something is going to happen…. That’s all I can tell you.’ I added in quickly but then looked at the clock on the wall of the Living Room. It was nearly time to go to the funeral.

   ‘Bek, are you ready to go? Who was at the door?’ I heard Shay’s familiar voice ask as he came down the stairs. I turned to him.

   ‘I’m ready to go, and this is Justin Everdai. He was Cassie’s friend and her child’s mate or something like that.’ I looked over at him for reassurance on what I was saying. Justin gave a nod of his head.

    Justin and Shay extended their hands out to each other and gave each other a friendly hand shake.

    ‘Do you have a lift to the funeral?’ Shay asked him. Justin gave a shake of his head.

Death By Wolf Bite (Book 1) ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now