Chapter 5 ~ Rebekah and Shay

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~ Cassie ~

    A few weeks had passed since my small group of friends and I had settled into my childhood home. Rebekah and I had met up a couple of times at her work and traded phone numbers, then organised that we all meet up at her place for a Barbecue.

    We had planned it for Saturday May 17th. And that day was today.

    Everyone was getting ready to go.

    ‘Guys, hurry up! We’re going to be late!’ I shouted from the entrance hall, all the way upstairs to the others that were still getting ready. 

    ‘Slow pokes’ I muttered to myself. 

    ‘Hey, we heard that’ Eva said playfully as she came down the stairs wearing a free flowing summer dress. The fabric of the dress was brightly coloured and fitted Eva’s figure perfectly.

    ‘Nice dress Eva’ I smiled at her. 

    ‘Thanks. Your’s too’ Eva replied with a smile. My dress was a fitted blue dress with a silver belt. I was wearing black flat shoes that went with the outfit quiet nicely.

    ‘Is everyone ready to go?’ I shouted as I headed towards the front door with my purse in hand. Everyone nodded their heads and as a group we headed towards the car. Everyone managed to pile into the car and we then started to head towards Rebekah’s house.

    As we drove along the road towards the centre of Town, I saw what I presumed to be Rebekah and Shay’s house. The house was built in a modern style. The front of the house was cement rendered with a beautiful garden laid out before the house. There were 2 cars in the driveway and our’s pulling up was the third. The first car must be Rebekah’s boyfriend’s car. The other car must be Rebekah’s then. Dimitri pulled the car to a stop.

    ‘So this is Rebekah’s house?’ Michael asked me. I nodded my head.

    ‘It’s been a long time since I saw my childhood friend and we thought that we all could meet up and have a friendly reunion.’ I explained with a smile. I got out of the car and began to walk up the small path towards the front door of the house. The door was a dark mahogany colour with 2 glass panels. The door on either side was surrounded by 2 small rose bushes. The rose bushes were 2 different colours. On the left side was a bright red colour and the other side was a bright pinky white coloured rose. They were both very beautiful roses. I reached my fist up to knock on the door but as I was about to knock, the door swung open.

     The person standing at the door was taller then me. He was about 6ft. 2. Lean build but with a bit of muscle on his body.

     ‘Hi. Can I help you?’ The guy asked with a deep voice about him. I gulped.

     ‘Umm…. I’m looking for Rebekah.’ I stuttered out nervously.

     ‘Shay, who’s at the door?’ I heard Rebekah’s voice from within the confines of the house speak up. 

     Rebekah came over to the front door and saw me, my boyfriend and my 4 best friends behind me.

    ‘Cassie, Shane, Michael, Eva, Dimitri and Chloe! It’s so good to see you all again’ Rebekah smiled at us as she came over and gave each of us an individual hug.

    ‘Come in guys, the Barbecue is out back’ Rebekah smiled and gestured for us to follow her in. The guy that I presumed was Shay, turned and followed behind Rebekah to the back of the house.

    ‘This is our humble abode’ Rebekah said jokingly with a smile spreading across her face as we stood on the back porch over looking the back yard.

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