Chapter 2

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Alexandria. What a strange name. But Holy mother of Christ was it big, 15ft steel walls guards on watch. They really didn't want people coming in here. We waited as the gate slid open, Daryl rolled us in and then slowly drove to a tall house on what used to be the main street of a village, but now a row of houses in a community. We jerked to a halt and climbed from the bike and up the stairs, he led me through to a wide open plan kitchen and an island in the middle. Sat there was a small child with long brown hair and...The stensson hat... Rick's hat. I placed my bag gently on the table before a tall woman with beautiful brown skin and dreadlocks walked through, she immediately peeled her eyelids back and grabbed a katana from a side cabinet. Before I could react Daryl launched across the room and lowered her hands before explaining to her, 'this is Maddie, she was part of our original group. Its alright, she ain't gonna hurt nobody. Her and Carl was best friends back then' I smiled at the thought of seeing Carl again, and seeing how he'd grown.

We sat round the table as I wolfed my dinner down, tomato soup..I hadn't even managed to find a tin of this for years, I politely set the bowl back down as the child stared at me from across the table. Without warning she cleared her throat and spoke up, 'so.. You knew my dad, and my brother?' she innocently said. I saw Daryls eyes flick up through his hair and look at Judith then to me, 'Judith why don't you take Negan something to eat' she happily complied and jumped down from the table before grabbing a tray of premade food and heading out the door. She turned to Daryl, 'how long are you staying?' she questioned 'not long' he grumbled.

I gave it a second before I spoke up 'who's Negan?' I watched Daryl go to speak before the woman named Michonne interrupted, 'nobody' I nodded and grabbed my dish before leaving the table and placing it in the sink to soak.

'Judith? That's her name isn't it. She seems real sweet' Michonne half smiled in agreement and carried on eating, Daryl on the other hand sat quietly and brewed on the subject that we'd skipped over so abruptly. 'Madd-' Michonne slammed her fist against the table to stop him, 'she has the right to know Michonne. Hell, she knew both of them before you did' I poured myself a cup of juice before seating myself back with them and flicking my eyes from one to the other waiting for one of them to speak up.

'alot of things have happened since you been gone' he quietly said as he dipped the crust of bread in his soup. I looked at him curiously as he mustered up the courage to continue, 'Rick..and Carl are dead' Michonne looked at him angrily, 'we don't know about Rick' I sensed the tension and decided not to ask how it happened but I instead quietly sipped my juice and thought about the first time I'd met them. 'Glenn's dead too' I quietly set down my juice and walked through to the front door and left the building, I sat beside a few bars in a concrete wall below the house, a few tears stung my cheeks as I heard Judith's voice talking, she spoke for about 30 secs before a rough, deep voice replied 'what about your friend up there?' I listened as he spoke softly, 'come on down kid' he knew I could hear him. I stood up and looked for the entrance before Daryl grabbed my arm and stopped me from going, 'you don't wanna go down there' I frowned at him, 'why whos down there?' he moved me back to the steps of the house, 'ain't nothin down there for you' I pulled my knees up to my chest and cradled myself on the first step up to the house. He hesitated before sitting beside me and wrapping his arm round my shoulders, 'Glenn... He was killed by-' before he could finish the gravelly voice from the basement spoke up, 'my ears are burnin' Daryl ignored it and carried on, 'he was killed, Carl died saving Sadiq who you'll meet soon, he's a nice guy. Carl died a good person. Rick ...h-he saved us all' I leant into his shoulder as we both sat quietly in the night. Not long after Judith came up from the concrete steps beside the house. 'I'm going to bed, night uncle Daryl... Night Maddie' she smiled brightly before skipping up the steps and through the front door. 'she's a good kid, she's been through a lot. She don't even realise' he got up and helped me to my feet before taking me back inside and showing me into a small room with a bed and cabinet, like I said in the apocalypse there's no room to be picky. I laid down as he flicked the light off and closed the door.

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