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After we finished in the shower we got dressed and went to the park for our walk. We walked side by side and our hands brushed against each other's so i decided to be bold and intertwine our fingers. Out of the corner of my eye i could see the beautiful smile forming on Regina's face.
"Tell me more about you." I said with a sheepish grin. "Well what do you want to know?" She asked shyly. "Well i want to know where you grew up, if you have any siblings, what your parents are like and what your favorite color is." I stated boldly.
She smiled bright at me and started answering all my questions. "I grew up in Boston and i moved here right after i finished college. I have an older sister and her name is Zelena. My father was the best but he died in a car crash when i was 18 years old. My mother was the best until my father died then she just became distant. Don't get me wrong I love my mother to death but i just wish that she could go back to the person she was before my father died. My favorite color is either red or purple i can't decide." My grip on her hand tightened and i give her hand a soft squeeze. "I am sorry to hear that. I don't know what to say." I looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed. Regina saw she cupped my cheek and turned my head so that i would be looking her in the eyes. "I would not have told you if i did not want to Emma. And its not that big of a deal i made my peace with it a long time ago." She then smiled and kissed my cheek. "So tell me more about you Emma." I just looked down and started to talk. "I grew up all over the place. I never found a stable home and they always took me back to the system. I ran away when i was 12 years old and ever since i never looked back. I don't know if I have any siblings and i dont know what my parents are or were like although I really wish i did. My favorite color is either yellow or red." Regina moved closer to me and we were walking close to each other the whole way. "Emma can i ask you something?" I bumped her shoulder and smiled. "You just did but yes you can ask me another question." She laughed and pushed me playfully. "Do you really not know anything about your birh parents?" I just shook my head. "The only thing that i know is that they left me on the side of the highway, someone found me and took me straight to the police station where i was later sent to the orphanage." I started kicking a small rock around. "Emma have you ever thought about finding your parents?" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Regina. "Honestly, no. I don't want people in my life that did not want me in theirs in the first place. I have always wished and hoped that they would find me, but they never did do i never wished and i never hoped again." I started walking again and Regina just followed me. She intertwined our hands again and the rest of the walk was dead quiet. "Regina." I hesitated for a brief moment but went ahead with what i was about to say. "We can go to Granny's for lunch." Regina just smiled. "If you are sure, then we can go no problem." I just gave a shy smile. "I'm sure." We made our way to Granny's hand in hand and i never felt this alive in my entire life. We made our way in to the diner where we saw Ruby and Belle sitting in one of the booths. I really did not want to talk to either of them i was not myself and i love my friends dearly but i am to ashamed of myself and to scared to let them in again. Before we could make our way to a booth they spotted me and cam right over to talk to me. "Hi babe." Ruby greeted me and gave me a tight hug. "Hi Rubs, Hi Belle." I greeted them both. "How have you been Emma?" Ruby asked sounding sincere. Before i could answer Regina grabs my hand. "Sorry to interrupt girls but my date is going really well at the moment so if you do not mind i would like to continue with my very lovely date. We are just going to sit and grab a bite to eat."
Rubys eyes grew big. "Uhm... oh sorry miss Mills we did not realize that you and Emma were on a date. We uhm hope you enjoy the lunch and the rest of your date." She then just smiled, winked at me and gave me a thumbs up while Belle dragged her by her arm. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to one of the booths far away from te rest of the people. Regina scooted in right next to me. "Your date huh?" I just started laughing but i thought it was really cute. "Uhm well... sorry i just thought i could spare you the misery." Her cheeks were flushed in red and i could tell that she was really nervous. I smiled and shook my head. "Well to be honest this is the best first date that i have ever had." I took her hand in mine and gave the top of her hand a soft kiss. This made her blush even more. We finighed with lunch and Regina ordered some extra stuff for dinner. We made our way back to Regina's house. "So we what i wanted to do, so now you get to decide what we do for the rest of the evening." She just gave me a loving smile and waited to hear what i had in mind. "I'm kind of lazy a the moment so i think we should just watch a movie." I scratched the top of my head and waited for and anwser. "Which movie did you have in mind?" She asked wile folding her arms over her waist.
"I don't even know if you have the movie. But i was thinking we could whatch Imagine me and you." She laughed and shook her head. She made her way to the one drawer she opened it and took the movie out. "Now tell me Miss Swan did you really think that i would not have that classic in my movie selection?" She asked with one eyebrow raised. "I did not know that you have good taste in movies Miss Mills." I said teasingly. She laughed and punched me on my upper arm. "I will have you know that i have good taste in everything Miss Swan." She winked at me and walked away. I put the movie on and paused it waiting for Regina to return. After a while i smelled popcorn and i knew what she was up to. Its kind of a cold day so i decided to go upstairs and fetch a blanket.
I made my way back and Regina was waiting for me. I played the movie and we sat underneath the blanket and watched movie. We were having a blast watching movie, making jokes and throwing each other with popcorn. Next thing i knew i was busy kissing Regina and this time it was different the kiss was heated and very amazing. The kiss was so passionate that i did not have control of my actions. I got on top of Regina's lap. The kiss deepened and i could not control or stop myself and i know that Regina was out of control as well. Suddenly she pulled away. "Em..." before she could finish her sentence i kissed her again. I then pulled away. "Regina please don't say anything. I need you to not say anything." She looked at me and i could see the hunger in her eyes and i think that she could see the hunger in mine. She paused for a moment and then asked. "Emma i need to know if you are okay with this. I need you to be sure of what's about to happen." I looked at her and then kissed her. I pulled away and replied. "Regina i trust you and i am ready for this. I know that you wont hurt me." She looked at me and pulled me in. The kiss was very heated and then we both broke apart. "Take me upstairs Regina." I got off of her lap and grabbed her by her hand. We went upstairs to her bedroom. She closed the door behind her and before she could say anything or do anything i pinned her to the door and stared kissing her. She tried to push me away but i grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head. She had a smirk on her face and i knew she liked it. I kissed her again and bit her lip she tilted her head back and we started to kiss again. Our tongues danced with each other, fighting for dominance. I broke the kiss and started kissing and sucking her neck and this caused her to moan loud. I let go of her hands and my hands started to wander down her body. Regina had a beautiful black dress on that ended just abover her knees. I moved my hands to the back to find the zipper of the dress. I slowly pulled it down and then i removed it slowly from her shoulders the more the dress goes down the more i kiss all of the parts where the dress was. Her dress was now on the floor and she was left standing in her beautiful lace black underwear. I could not help but stare. She is the most beautiful woman that i have ever seen. "Regina you are so beautiful." She does not say a word, i take her hand in myne and i lead her to the bed. We stopped in front of the bed and before i got the chance to place her on the bed she started kissing me her hand roamed to the bottom of my shirt and she pulls it over my head. She then proceeded to the button of my jeans. I hesitated for a brief moment but then i saw her and i knew i could do this. I let her pull my jeans down and we were both in our underwear. She layed back on the bed and i followed her i sat on to of her and started kissing her i moved my knee in between her legs and moved it until my knee met her wet core. She moaned when my knee made contact. I started to kiss her neck and moved down following the shape of her bra. I sat up a bit and lifted her, i moved my hands to her back and undid her bra. I took it off and started kissing her body again. I moved to her breast i took her nipple in my mouth and started kissing and sucking it. This caused her to moan a bit so i decided to giver her nipple a soft bite her back arched off of the bed. So i proceeded to go down kissing all over her perfect body. Her hands were tangled in my hair and i could tell that she really needs this. I pulled her panties down and as far as i pull i kiss her all over. I then stop and go up to kiss her on the mouth again. She wrapped her hands around my body and then i felt her undoing my bra. She then removed it and threw it on the floor next to our other clothes. She started to roam over my breasts with her hands this caused me to moan a little. We kissed some more and then i kissed my way down her body until i was at her wet core. I looked up and saw her eyes were closed. I threw her legs over my shoulder to give me more access. Before i started i decided to blow cold air on her core. Her back arched off of the bed again and thats when i decided to go in. I started licking and sucking on her clit. She moaned with this action. "Emma" was all she said. I took one finger and pushed it deep inside of her this made her moan even louder. "Emma don't stop. Please don't stop." She grabbed hold of my hair and pulled it. This was kind of turning me on even more. I curled my vinger inside of her and made sure that i was on her g-spot. Her back arced off of the bed and i felt her walls tighten around my vinger. Her orgasm was here so i decided to go harder and faster and in no time she was cumming. I licked all of it off and then went in to kiss her. She then pinned me to the bed and kissed me she moved very slow she kissed all over my body. She stopped and looked at me. I knew exactly why she stopped so i nodded and gave her permission. She then slowly removed my panties and threw them on the ground with the rest of the clothes. She came back up and kissed me. Her hands moved slowly to my wet core and i was a bit scared but she made me feel safe again. "Stop me whenever you feel uncomfortable." She then separated my legs a bit and started to play with my clit. I could not help but moan when her cold vingers met my clit. She kissed me and then went down on me. She was slow and gentle the whole time. She pushed one vinger inside of me and my back arched off of the bed. "Fuck Regina." She stopped and i was a bit disappointed. "Don't stop." Was all i could say. I looked down and she was busy smiling then she proceeded to do what she was doing. I could feel myself getting warmer. My orgasm is almost here, i started moaning loudly and she moved faster. I sat up a bit as i had my orgasm i then crashed back on the bed. Regina came back up to me and kissed me. "Are you okay Emma?" I smiled and pecked her lips. "I am great and you are amazing." She giggles and kiss my nose. "I guess you liked it?" I laughed and shook my head. "I loved it Regina." She layed on her back and put her one arm underneath my head. "Lets cuddle and try to get some sleep." She kissed the lop of my head and we just layed there in each other's arms. It did not take long for both of us to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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