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Its the next morning and i only got a few hours of sleep. I could not stop thinking about Emma and if she was ok. I never should have kissed her again and i should not have told her hou i felt. It was inappropriate i am her teacher and she is my student and she is going through a tough time i just made things worse.

Class started and i was not in the mood to be here right now. I could not stop thinking about Emma. I gave all the classes that i had assignments. They all had to write 4 pages about themself, what they like and what they hate about themself. It made it easier for me, that way i did not have to speak the whole time. I had a hard time focusing.

I had Emma's class for the last 3 hours of the day. The bell rang and the students started comming in to the class. Looking through them i did not see Emma. I waited for 5 minutes after the bell rang, still no sight of her. So i got to my desk and handed out the assignments. The HE came in to the class. I held my breath, it was not my place to do something to him. I wanted to do something to him so bad but i could not, i promiced Emma that i would not take action. "You are late." I said with an eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I got lost you know i am new right." I looked at him with rage in my eyes if i could set him on fire with a stare he'd be fried by now. "Sit down. And if you are late again dont bother to come to my class. And take that smirk of before i smack it of." I got so frustrated i just wanted to punch the shit out of him. His eyes got wide and for the rest of te class he didnt say a word.
Its the end of the school day and i cant help but think about Emma. I hope she is ok.

I got my stuff and headed home. Everything in me wanted to go to her to see her to touch her and hold her, but i knew she didnt want me there.

Before going home i made my way to Granny's. I wasnt in the mood to cook when i got home. When i got to Granny's i saw Ruby serving tables. I sat at the first booth at the door and she made her way to me to take my order. I placed my order, one take away and i ordered coffee to sit there and think before heading home.

I finally got the courage to talk to Ruby. I knew she was one of Emma's best friends.
"Ruby." Was all i got out. She turned to me "Yes Ms Mills?" I let out a sigh and continued talking. "Have you heard anyting from Em..- Miss Swan?" I changed my tone of voice. She looked at me with confusion in her eyes. "No i have not and she has been acting very strange." I looked at her and nodded. "She has and i am worried about her." I said sincerely. "If you want i could go to her and see if she is ok?" I looked at her with a small appreciative smile. "Yes Ruby. Thank you. And if she is not ok just call me." I grabbed a napkin and wrote my number down on it and gave it to her. She nodded. "I will go as soon as my shift is done." I smiled and nodded. She brought my takeout and i left.

LOVE ME BACK TO LIFE. //Swanqueen. Regina And EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now