Step by Step

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I took off my jacket and covered her naked upper body. She was full of bruises and hand marks it was aweful to see. I sent Mr Hood to my classroom to go and get some clothes from my drawer in my desk. I always keep clothes there for when something happenes and i need to change.
He brought the clothes to me and closed the door once again. He put an OUT OF ORDER sign on the door to make sure no one would try to come in to the batroom.

I went to sit down next to Emma. "Em i have some clothes here for you. Can i help you to put it on?" I asked in a wisper. I did not want to startle her or make her feel uncomfortable. She nodded and i carefully took the t-shirt and put it over her head. Then i took the jeans and pulled it over her legs i got up and carefully lifted her so that we could pull the jeans all the way up. Her legs were also full of bruises so i worked as soft and gentle as i could.

Once she was fully clothed again she slid down the wall and sat there. Her knees were pressed to her chest and her head was rested on top of her arms that were rested on her knees. She did not cry she only sat there. I made my way next to her and slid down the wall as well. I hated this. That basterd hurt her again and i only want to kill him right now. But Emma needs me the most right now. I grabbed her and pulled her into my tight embrace. She started to cry as i held her tight. I felt so guilty and i was trying to fight back some tears but i could not. "Emma, dear i am so sorry. I never should have left you alone and i should have never asked you to come back here." I said with tears streaming down my face.

We sat in silence for about an hour when we heard knock on the door. "Miss Mills?" I heard a woman call out to me. "Its Mary. Could i come in i am from the police department i need to ask Emma a few things." She said and i got up and opened the door. "Its up to Emma if she would anwser your quistions." I said with a conserned look towards Emma. I made my way back right next to Emma and sat down next to her. I wrapped my arms around her again and she held on for dear life.

"Miss Mills could i maybe have a word with Ms Swan, alone please?" This got Emma's attention as i nodded and got ready to stand up Emma grabbed me by my arm and stared right in to my eyes. Her beautiful green eyes filled with tears and fear. That was her signaling me that she does not want me to leave. I sat up straight took a deep breath "whatever you have to say or ask Emma you can do it in front of me." Mary looked at Emma and then at me she did not say anything she just nodded.
After a few moments of silence Mary started to speak. "Well alright then."
"Miss Swan. Because you are still a minor you wil have to do a sexual assault forensic exam." With hearing this Emma stopped breathing her eyes got wide and her heartrate stared to increase. "You are however allowed to take someone with you while you do the exam. The person going with you should be prepared to testify as a witness. The exam can take a few hours but if at any time you feel uncoforatble you may pause, stop or scip the part of the exam. The coise is yours." Emma did not respond to any of this she just stared at her lap for the whole time.

"Does she need to take a bath or something before she does the exam?" I asked while holding Emma as tight as i could. "To anwser your question, no miss Swan should not take a bath or shower. She should not use the restroom or clean up the area. I already phoned the hospital and they are all set up and waiting for miss Swan." She informed us with a slight sigh. "Miss Swan, is there someone who you would like to take with you while you do the exam?" Emma did not anwser, instead she squeezed my hand and looked me in my eyes. "I want to go with her." I inforemed without hesitation. "Miss Swan would you mind if Miss Mills went with you?" Emma looked up and shook her head. "No she can come. Only if she really wants to." She anwsered in what was bearly a whisper.

"Alright then. I will inform the hospital and i will keep in touch." She turned around and left the two of us there. "Emma, honey are you sure you would want me there?" She was quiet for a few minutes but then she shifted and looked at me directly in my eyes. "I am sure. With you there i would feel more comfortable. And for now you are the only person i want to talk to. I feel safe with you." She said with a sheepish grin. "Well alright dear. Then it is settled i will take you to the hospital and i will be there though the whole exam." I replied and hugged her tightly.

We got up from the cold floor and made our way to the office. We sat there for a few minutes and then left to go to the hospital. I took the rest of the day off and the rest of the week as well. We got in to my black mercedes and made our way to the hospital. We ere in the parking lot of the hospital and i could tell that Emma was nervous. She was biting her lip and i could see some blood on her lips as she bit down on it. "Emma dear. Its going to be ok. Remember i am here every step of the way and if you want them to stop they will do so." I cupped her chin and moved her heard so that she could look me in the eyes. "I promice i will be there and i wont let them hurt you." I said with a sad smile. "Thank you." Was all that Emma said, she turned in the seat and opened the door.

I spoke to the nurse and explaied the situation. She led us to a room where they gave me a gown to give to Emma. She had to remove all of her clothes and put on the gown. She did just that but she needed my help. Her body was in a lot of pain and i could see bruises starting to form all over her body. My heart broke into a million peaces as i saw what he did to her yet again. The nurse made her way back in to the room and gestured for Emma to get on to the bed.


I got on to the bed with Regina's help and she was standing by my side the entire time. She held my hand as we waited for the doctor to make an appearance.

The doctor came in to the room with a nurse by her side. "Good day Miss Swan. I am doctor Belle. I will be examining you today." She stood by the footend of te bed and entroduced herself. "So before we continue i would just like to inform you of everyting. I will be asking you before every step if you are ready. You will have to say yes or no. A nod of the head wont do you have to say the words yes or no. If at any point in time of the exam you would feel uncofortable or are unable to continue we will stop immidiatly. If you say yes we will continue to the next step." She gave me a warm smile and turned to the nurse.

The nurse put some gloves over the doctors hands and they opened the rape kit. She turned toward me and asked. "Are you ready?" With this question i looked at Regina. I swallowed hard and finally got the courage to say "Yes". They had me stand up and opened the gown. They took pictures of my body. All the bruise marks and all the bite marks. Then they had me lie down on the bed once again and they took a swab of all of the bruises and the bite marks. They pulled a comb through my hair. They swabbed my mouth both outide on my lips and inside on my toung. As they promiced before moving to the next step of the exam they asked me every time if i am ready. I was getting so frustrated with them asking the whole time i had to bite my toung. I felt so embarresed and ashamed the whole time through the exam i did not once look at Regina. I felt so dirty and unworthy i did not want her to see me in that way and in that state but then again i wanted her to be there. With her i felt safe, like no one could ever hurt me again. They drew some blood and then clipped my nails. The next step was the worst for me. I almost said no i wanted to say no with everything that was inside of me. But i said "Yes". They swabbed my lady parts and i could not help the tears that ran down my cheeks. This part reminded me that something was taken from me. My privasy has been invaded. The thing i saved for that special someone was just taken without my consent. No one will want me after this. I let go of Regina's hand in this time and i could not bare to look at her let alone touch her. She confessed her feelings for me and i could only imagine how dissapionted she must be right about now. Now i could never be with her. She would never want me after what happened yet again. They then turned the lights down and used Ultraviolet Lights to see all his prints that he left on my skin. I heard Regina gasp at all of the prinst that was left on my body. This just made me feel disgusting i wanted to take a bath right then. I needed to get him all of him off of my body. He left his mard and i dont think that i will be able to wash him off. They switched the lights back on and informed us that they were done.

At this point in time i just felt numb. I got dressed and we left the hospital. On the ride back to Regina's house it was quiet. Regina did not try to make conversation with me and i was really gratefull for that because this hell of a day had me feeling everything and nothing all at once. We arrived at Regina's house and we made our way inside. "Regina?" I let out a whisper. Regina turned her attention to me and i could see the simpathy in her eyes. "Yes dear." She said in a low voice. "Would it be ok with you if i went and take a bath?" She looked at me and nodded. "Yes dear you can go take a bath. I am going to make us some lunch so when you are done you can just come down and eat something."

I got into the bathtub and just sat there staring blankly at the water. Regina removed all the keys to the doors so i could not lock myself in the room or the bathroom. She was affraid that i would do something to myself and she would be to late if i locked the doors. So i did not take to long in the bathroom i scrubbed myelf until i felt a little bit better.

LOVE ME BACK TO LIFE. //Swanqueen. Regina And EmmaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat