Will it get better?

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Why didnt they just leave me. What makes them think that i wanted to stay, this life is not one worth fighting for. I have nothing to live for.

I cant face Regina i am scared of everything and everyone. I dont know why she could even care for me or even be in love with me for that matter. Maybe i am just a charity case for her. She could never love someone like me. None of this makes sense.

"Pleas just leave me alone Regina." I whispered. She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I am never leaving you again. Even if you cant accept that. I care for you and i am going to be here for you even if you push me away even if you tell me that you hate me i will still be there. I know things are fucked up right now and i know that you don't want to live. But Emma i need you to at least try for me. Please just try to live." She said with a sigh. I cant help but cry. I faced her and she saw my tears, she climed on the bed next to me and wrapped her arms around me and i burried my face in her neck shaking and crying. "I dont know if i can do this Regina." She placed her hand on my head and kissed me soft on the top of my head. "You can Em and i will be there every step of the way. But you will need to try. You need to fight please dont give up." She said while crying softly. "I cant do this alone." She placed her hand under my face and moved it so that i could look her in the eyes. "You dont have to do this alone. I am here and i will never leave you alone. I will be there when you need a shoulder to cry on or a punching bag whatever you need that i will be. You dont have to built your walls so high. Beacause i am going to try to climb it. And all i ask is that you at least try to let me in try to take your walls down a bit and try not to give up." She then placed a soft kiss on my forhead.

I fell asleep in Reginas arms and i felt so safe and so loved at that moment that nothing else mattered. I woke up in Reginas arms and was al little bit starteled. But i calmed down as soon as i saw her face. She looked so peacefull and so beautiful.

The doctor made his way in to the room and Regina woke up. "Miss Swan you are ready to go home." He exclamed while holding the discharge papers. "Miss Mills you just have to sign here seeing as you are the gardien of Miss Swan." I looked at her confused. She just winked at me and grabbed the pen and signed. "One more thing. Here is the prescription pills that Miss Swan needs to take every morning and every night."

He then left the room with the discharged papers and Regina waited at the door of the room for me as i got dressed.

We made our way to Regina's car and got in. I didnt say a word on the drive home. And i could feel Regina staring at me and then looking away. I just sat there staring out of the window not saying a word. "Em you will be staying with me for a while. I had Ruby pack your things and she took it to my house. I hope you dont mind but i could not leave you alone with yourself." She said with a sigh. I didnt feel the urge to fight so i looked at her and nodded. "I dont mind." I say forcing a smile.

We arrived at Regina's house and i was amazed by how big her house was. My jaw dropped a bit as we made our way to the front door. Regina looked at me and smiled. "See i have enough room for you." She then winked at me and opened the door.

She led me straight to the guist bedroom. "For the time being this will be your room. And if you need anything my room is just down the hall. I dont lock my bedroom door at all so my door is always open." She said while pointing to the door at the end of the hall. "Thank you Regina." I said with a genuine smile.

"I am going down stairs to fix us some lunch. If you want to you can pick a movie for us to watch while we wave lunch." I smiled at her and nodded. "It sound great." I said as we made our way down stairs.

Its now 8:30 pm and i made my way up to the bedroom wich had it own batroom inside. I took out my pajamas and made my way to the batroom. There was only a bathtub and no shower. I started running the hot water and filled the bathtub half full. I climed in and just sat there as the water burned my skin. My harm was hurting real bad so i did not place it in the water. I sat there and took my phone and started to play one of my favourite songs.

LOVE ME BACK TO LIFE. //Swanqueen. Regina And EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now