Clearsight Divine

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As we sat down on Jason's bed, we started to talk about Colin. Clearsight had a lot to tell.

"Clearsight, why do parents, beat you?" I asked.

"I..I dont know. I just have all of these scars and bruises from them punching and slapping me."

"Are they both werewolves?"


"Ok, just making sure. Now tell me about Colin."

"Well, he's a dark werewolf spirit, a dangerous spirit that causes trouble ever since you're born. He isn't the most powerful though, my so-called dad is."

"Has your so-called dad ever used his powers?"

"Once, but rumor has it that's how his 1st wife died."

"Oh, um... did he do it on purpose?"

"Yep, he said he was proud of it, too."

"Oh." He was... kill his own wife....

"Let's talk more about the spirit stuff." Milissa suggested. She probably noticed my sadness.

"Um... ok. Well I was at school, in the library, looking for a book one day and one of them fell on me. It said, "Werewolf Spirits" and I saw another book called, "Ultimas". I took both of them and ran. I think the school principal has to do with this. He can't expose us like that!!"

"Then let's go kick some principal butt!!!" yelled Alisa.

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