Chapter 17 - Swimming

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"Can you believe we've lived in New York for over a year? I think city life is starting to grow on me," Mrs. Jacobs commented one warm afternoon in early July. 

"I really like it here," Sarah nodded, "I really feel like I fit in,"

"Great, the last thing I want is for you kids to not be happy here," Mrs. Jacobs smiled, "Speaking of you kids, since you're all going to be in school during the year, I'm alone in the house most of the day, which can be PRETTY boring,"

"You have three seconds to change your wording before you have to clean the kitchen," Sarah joked.

"Pretty LONELY, there, better?" Mrs. Jacobs put her hands on her hips.

"Yes, continue," Sarah chuckled.

"Well, I have a job interview on Friday, so, fingers crossed, I might get a job at the thrift store downtown," Mrs. Jacobs crossed her fingers.

"You're going to get a job?" Les, who was now 6, asked.

"I MIGHT, if the interview goes well," Mrs. Jacobs clarified.

"Oh, okay," Les left the room and went to color a page from his coloring book.

"So THAT'S what people mean when they say 'you have the attention span of a first grader,' who knew?" Davey shrugged, he was at the table with his mom and sister, but his attention was going into texting Jack.

"Well, I'll be in my room if you need me," Mrs. Jacobs stood up and went to her bedroom to do work on something on her laptop.

Sarah looked over Davey's shoulder at his phone, "ooh, what are you talking about?" She asked.

"Why are you reading my texts?" Davey put the phone screen to his chest so Sarah wouldn't see it.

"Woah, okay then," Sarah backed away, "someone needs to chill,"

Davey rolled his eyes and went back to texting.


Davey: Yeah, I wonder if we'll have any classes together.

Jack: speaking of class, did you get the drawing I made for you in sixth period a few months ago?

Davey: Yeah, it was really good, thanks.

Jack: I think it's one of the best drawings I've ever drawn.

Davey: all the artwork you make is amazing.

Jack read Davey's last text and smiled, It's just the the best because it's you, he thought.

"Well someone appears to be in a smiley mood," Medda walked through the living room, she was just doing some tidying up.

"Well, it feels good when someone compliments your art," Jack shrugged, especially when that person is someone you like a whole lot.

"That is true, say, I had the idea of taking all the newsies swimming at a public pool or something, what do you think?" Medda asked.

"Sounds fun," Jack nodded, not looking up.

"Okay, I'll have to call everyone's parents and see what they think," Medda nodded.

"About what?" Crutchie came down the stairs.

"Taking the newsies swimming," Medda answered.

"Oh, yeah, I love swimming," Crutchie nodded, "Can we invite Katherine and Sarah, too?" 

"I don't see why not," Medda smiled, "when should we do it? Say... Friday?"

"Yeah, that works,"Jack shrugged.

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