Chapter 55 - A Lot of Trouble

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"Race, you won't believe who I ran into at the grocery store," Mrs. Higgins entered her house looking very excited.

"Who?" Race looked up from his phone.

"Dean and his wife, and they're coming over for dinner tonight," Mrs. Higgins set the bag of groceries on the table, "and Spot, too,"

"YES!" Race exclaimed, "I've got to go get ready," 

Race spent the next hour and a half trying to look his best for Spot while his mom was making dinner.

Spot, Carmen, and Dean were at their house, and Dean was telling Spot the news. "Annabelle Higgins invited us over for dinner,"

"Who?" Spot questioned.

"Race's mom," Dean shrugged, "aren't you at least a little excited to see Race again?"

"Sure," Spot replied without emotion, he was going to have to tell Race about Randy, but Race would be cool with that, right?

When it was almost dinner time, Race was waiting on the living room couch, very excited for the happy reunion he was sure was about to happen. When he heard the door bell ring, he jumped up and couldn't stop smiling, this was the greatest day ever.

"Dean!" Mrs. Higgins greeted her friend, "and... Carmen, and Spot," 

"Spot," Race ran into the front room.

"Race," Spot nodded briskly. 

Race went to hug Spot, but Spot held up a hand to stop him.

"What?" Race stepped back, smile fading from his face.

"I... need to speak with you," Spot kept a casual tone. 

"What?" Race repeated.

"Um, you boys can stay here and chat, us adults are going to go to the living room and converse," Mrs. Higgins lead Dean and Carmen into the living room.

"What's going on, Spot?" Race blinked suspiciously.

"You remember Randy?" Spot started, "well, I'm in a relationship with him,"

Race paused, then loudly exclaimed "WHAT?! How long has that been happening?"

"Six months. But look, you and I hadn't spoken to each other in so long. You can't hold a relationship without communication," Spot remained calm, "and, really, we never even kissed, was it even official?"

Race felt his heart break, but he forced a smile and nodded, "Right, of course, you'd have to be a fool to think otherwise," he sure felt like a fool. 

"Exactly," Spot nodded, "cool, I'm glad that's cleared up," he went into the living room, leaving Race alone, and feeling more alone than ever.

The rest of the dinner was awkward for the two boys, but the adults didn't seem to notice. When it was all over and Dean and his family had gone home, Mrs. Higgins asked Race, "How was seeing Spot again?"

"It was great," Race lied, "best day ever,"

On the first day of school, the newsies had no idea what kind of year they were about to have.

"Race, my mom told me that she went over to your house for dinner last weekend, did you get to see Spot?" Katherine asked.

"Um... yeah, it was.. um... a real surprise," Race shrugged.

"So, are you all good now?" Katherine questioned.

"Yeah, he told me everything that's been going on, sounds like he really enjoyed it in DC," Race avoided eye contact with everyone.

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