Chapter 66 - The Big Day

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I am SO SORRY this chapter is so late. I made an idiot mistake and spilled hot cocoa on my laptop, so I couldn't write my story for a few weeks while it was getting fixed. Oops!


"Up and at 'em, Kathy," Destiny shook her cousin awake, after a long July of dress shopping and other planning, it was finally Katherine and Sarah's wedding day, and there were a LOT of people coming, most of Carmen's family, along with most of Sarah's family, and then Katherine and Sarah's friends. "I hope you got a good night sleep, because you need to look your best for the photos," 

"I slept fine, Destiny," Katherine sat up, "I can't believe it's finally the day," 

"You nervous?" Destiny helped Katherine make her bed and took her into the dining room to do her hair, "I mean, there's no reason you should be, you're marrying the love of your life. I wouldn't be nervous if I was marrying Victor,"

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited for my future," Katherine beamed as Destiny ran a brush through her hair. 

"Just think, after today, I'm going to be shouting 'Katherine K. Jacobs' every time I see you," Destiny laughed, "how many times is your last name going to change, girl?" 

"Legally, only once. Plumber wasn't official, it was just Dean's last name," Katherine reminded her, "but I'm certain this is the last time my name will change," 

"That's good, that's how you know this marriage is going to last," Destiny plugged the curling iron in, "I'm glad you showered last night, that saves us SO MUCH time," 

"There's my girl," Carmen entered the room, "I can't believe you're getting married, you just graduated for goodness sake," 

"I know I'm young, but Sarah and I have been together for years, we're ready for this," Katherine insisted, "where is Sarah, anyways?"

"Her mom or someone is doing her hair, I think," Destiny shrugged and started curling Katherine's hair, "but regardless, don't you know how weddings work? You're not allowed to see each other until the ceremony,"

"Well forgive me, I've never done this before," Katherine rolled her eyes.

"Luckily you have your maid of honor to guide you," Destiny brought some of Katherine's hair back and pinned it there with a flower-shaped bejeweled hair clip. She checked her reference image and chuckled, "I so nailed it,"

"I'm impressed, Destiny," Carmen nodded.

"I do what I can," Destiny took all her hair things back to the bathroom and came back with a brand-new makeup set, "next step,"

The Jacobs family had gotten a hotel room a few miles north of where the wedding was supposed to be held. Jack ended up being able to go to the wedding, but he stayed with some of Katherine's male cousins, Davey wanted to join, but Mrs. Jacobs wouldn't let him, as she didn't want to 'take any chances.'

Setting up in Destiny's back yard took a while, as did getting everyone ready, fortunately the wedding ceremony wasn't until 3 PM. Jack was helping set up chairs while Davey wad helping his family set up a gift table in another part of the yard, but occasionally the two would look up at each other. Jack would make a weird face and Davey would chuckle. 

Eventually Les caught onto what they were doing and rolled his eyes, "Mom, Davey and Jack are making faces at each other,"

"No one likes a tattletale, Les," Mrs. Jacobs chuckled, "Davey, you can go help set up chairs if you want,"

Davey nodded and walked over to where Jack was.

"I feel so awkward, I don't know any of these people," Jack whispered.

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