Chapter 16 - Mollicia

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"Oh... I'm just so nervous," Molly paced the living room while Maine sat at the dining room table with her grandmother, Charlene, making slime.

"Molly, darling, you'll be fine," Charlene added a few drops of pink food coloring to Maine's bowl of slime, "Maine has told you that time and time again, you and Alicia were made for each other,"

"Mum, there's no such thing as 'soul mates,' that's just a thing people made up for their stories to be cute," Molly rolled her eyes.

"Soul mates are a real thing, mom, everyone has one," Maine argued.

"Really? Even you?" Molly looked at her daughter.

"Uh, yeah, just not a romantic one," Maine scoffed, "duh,"

"Maybe soul mates are a real thing, but how do we know Alicia is mine? It's not like if I get some sort of marking she'll get the same one in the same place, OW! Oh my gosh, who left the window open?!" Molly wiped a bee off her arm, it had stung her, and now she had a painful sting on her shoulder.

"You don't know anything, mom, it could happen," Maine smiled.

"You never know, Molly," Charlene agreed, "one time, I went on a date with your father, and I had just gotten a NASTY black eye from a ceiling light hitting me in the face, I covered it with make-up, of course, but when I arrived at the restaurant, I saw he had gotten a black eye, too, some school bully, I believe,"

"Was it the same eye?" Molly asked.

"No, it was The other one, but like Maine said, anything could happen," Charlene shrugged.

Maine had heard very few stories about her grandfather, she just knew that he was a pilot, he had black hair, his name was Chris, and he died at a very young age, that was why Molly and Maine went to go live with Charlene in Washington.

Molly bit her fingernails, she didn't have much to bite, as a science teacher, she had to keep her nails short so she wouldn't poke holes in safety gloves. She was so nervous for the pride parade, it was just over a week away. 

"Mom, if you're THAT nervous, I'll help you prepare," Maine told her, "now stop before you chew the tip of your finger off, that's not going to be a good look,"

"Maine, you are a lifesaver," Molly walked over and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Alright, let me finish my slime and then we can talk outfits," Maine started mixing the glue, baking soda, contact fluid, and food coloring together until it was a pink glob sitting in the bowl, "This is so cool!" Maine squealed, picking up the glob and watching it drip back into the bowl.

"So, missy, what am I wearing?" Molly ruffled Maine's hair.

"Hmm...." Maine looked at the top of her mom's head, and scanned down to her feet, "Grandma, how quickly do you think you could make a cute tank-top?"

"How quickly do you think you could design one?" Charlene replied.

"Excellent, then you'll need ripped jeans and brown leather boots with slight heels," Maine told her mom.

"Okay, I trust your judgement," Molly shrugged.

For the next three days, Charlene spent most of her time in Maine's room, it took most of the free day, but they finally got it done, it was a shirt that resembled the demisexual flag, but it had a heart embroidered onto it that was colored like a lesbian flag, and it had gold spaghetti straps.

"Mom, mom, come look, it's done!" Maine called to her mother.

"Okay, okay- oh my gosh, it's beautiful," Molly went and took it from them, "should I try it on?"

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