∞ Sparks ∞

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∞ Author's point of view ∞

When Leo reached the place, it was exactly the same as in the vision before.

There's stars and rocks, some rocks look like cliffs. Unlike in the vision, this place didn't feel empty and cold, it was welcoming and warm.

"Leo? "
a voice said in disbelief, Leo turned around to see Analine.
Analine was not how he remembered her to be, she's more feminine and her appears screams ' queen'.

"Analine? "
he said looking at her shocked and confused.
"Why are you here? "
they both asked each other at the same time.

"The elf queen gave me a vision about this place and told me something about a Prophecy" Analine answered.
"Oh, she also did give me a vision, did she explain anything about the Prophecy? "
Leo asked with a raised brow.

"No, she didn't "
Analine stated.
"Well, the Prophecy is about us"
Leo stated rather bluntly.
"About us? "
Analine stated but it came out like a question.

" A descendent from the Phantom family and a  royal descendent from the Dark Whichery Empire will be soulmate's and this will be the resemblance of both lands friendship"
Leo said summaring the Prophecy.

"What will happen if the Prophecy is not complete? " Analine asked.
"Then this universe will collapse "
Leo said.
was all she could say.

Then it was silence as they both looked around awkwardly.

Leo wanted to tell her something a long time ago but expect telling her it, he broke the bound and when he realised it, it was too late.

He lost her forever at least that's what he thought but here she is, the girl turned into a woman who was those little fragments of light that brighten his dark world.

He inhaled and exhaled
" It's now or never"
he told himself.
"Analine" he called and she hummed in response.
"I…need…to… tell...you…something" managed to spit out those words.
"And that is? "
Analine asked.

"I love you"
he said making her eyes widen in shock.
She herself was lost for words but she went closer to him as her heartbeat raced.

Those where the words she waited to hear. Yes she loved Evan but in a friendly away, it was never the same with Evan like how it was with Leo.

Her heartbeat calmed down and she just stared at Leo which made him anxious.
"Guess what? "
she stated.
"What? "
Leo answered nervously.
"I love you too"
she said with a smile.

Those words brought relive to both of them.
He took her hands in his and soon his lips crushed over hers.

She kissed him back.

"What on earth is going on here? "
a voice boomed in anger.
They broke the kiss to see Evan who had a furious look on his face.

"Evan? "
they both said.
"Yes who else?"
the prince shouted.
The duo didn't know how to explain themselves.
"Evan, I can explain -"
she said but she was cut off by Evan.
"You don't need to explain Analine afterall you were not mine to keep"
he said after he studied both of them.

"What? "
Analine said.
"I stole you away from Leo and forced you to to be with me, you really did change my way of life but you don't belong with me but him"
he said realising his mistakes and selfishness a bit too late.

"Evan, thank you "
Analine said sincerely.
"Leo, take care of Analine or I'll find you and kill you "
Evan said before he could leave.

Soon he left and soon it was just the duo.

A itching sensation was felt in both their left wrists and soon the soulmate's tattoos come back.

"It's back! "
Analine said happily.

Both their tattoos started to glow and out came a string that was attached to both their hands.

The string hovered in the air and began to spin in a circle and radiated various colours of purple,pink and white.

They stood side by side and watched as their soulmate's string turned into a star.

This was the resemblance of both the Phantom family and the Dark Whichery Empire but it was also the resemblance of their strong bound.

This is how their story eneded… At least that's what they thought…

Hey guys!!!
The last chapter!!! 
I think 32 chapters are enough to read!

So everyone ready for book two? 

I can't wait to Publish the first chapter book two!!!

Book two is called The Deceiver Among Us.

See you in the next one! 

Fragments of Light ∞ A Soulmates Story ∞Where stories live. Discover now