∞ Trying out 2 ∞

21 6 0

It a of the student council ?  "

he lecturer announced out of the blue.

Both Evan and I got up.
we both answered.
The lecturer looked at us with a raised brow
"I'd never imagined that the Prince of Darkness and the Prince of Whichery would be the President and Vice President of the student council"

"And your point is, Sir? "
Evan asked.
The lecturer chuckled dryly
" Oh, nothing"

"Why did you call us? "
I asked.
"Well I need the both of you  to go the library and do something for me.. The librarian will explain to you"
he said.

Great life couldn't get more complicated!  Could it?
We both nodded and turned to leave.

"Oh yes! Please take Analine with you cause you will need all the help you can get"
he said.

∞ Sometime later∞

"Do you need help? "
Analine asked from me as I struggle with a headache looking at the small letters on the side of the book.

Our job was to arrange the books in alphabetical order because it was just shattered around in the shelves.

I said coldly.
"But you look like you need help" she replied softly making me turn around to look at her in annoyance.

"I said no"
I replied coldly.
she said smiling sadly then walking to the librarian.

After she talked to the librarian, she headed over to the other side of the library and started to set the  books with nothing but a sad smile.

Guilt hovered in my chest until…
"You know that's very  stalker-ish of you"
Evan said with a glit of mischievousness glooming on his face.

"Well the last time I remember: is that my life has nothing to do with you"
I replied back.
"Well it does"
he said with a smirk making me raise a brow.

"What do you mean? "
I asked.
"Nothing that concerns you"
with a fake smile.

I said not wanting to talk people who aren't worth my time.

The bell rang for hometime and we all gathered by the librarian.
"Thanks so much my royalties! " the librarian said with a smile.

"You're welcome"
we three said before we could leave the library and go separate ways.
My phone rang and I answered it

" Hello young master?"
"Yes "
I answered.
"Forgive me young master but I can't pick you up. You have to go to Dark Witchery Empire, arrangements have been made and you'll come to the Dark Witchery Empire with Princess Analine"
"What? "
was the only thing that came from my mouth.
"I'm sorry my young master " with that he cut the call.
Great!  Now I have to look for Analine.


I found her waiting in her car and I run to it.
I said inbetween my pants making Analine give me a confused look.

"Ah,Prince Leo,we've been expecting you"
her butler said from the drivers seat.

"Why would we be expecting Leo?"
she asked confused.
"Because his Majesty has invited the Royal Grey family for dinner" the butler replied.

"Oh really?  Then come inside the car"
she said softly and she moved over.
I opened the door and got in.

"I'll give you two some space"
the butler said as the black window went up until we both wouldn't even see the review mirror.

"When we're at the castle, you have to stay close to me"
I said.
"For what? "
she asked bluntly
" Because to our parents we are soulmates "
I said empathising 'soulmates'

"I just don't understand, why do we have to pretend like we love each other and everything's okay when it's not"
she said sadly.
"Just do it" I said calmly.
she said.

The rest of the ride, it was silence that spoke and awkwardness that gloomed around.

Finally we reached the castle of the Dark  Witchery Empire.
The castle is a plain clean white Castle unlike the castle my family owns is like a mid-evil black castle...

The butler opened the door, I got out and gestured a hand to Analine.

She took it and gave me a cute smile
"Thank you"
We walked to the dinning room.

"Hello kids"
our parents greet us.
"Hello mother and father"
Analine greets her parents and I just give a fake smile.

"Analine, Leo sit next to each other"
the king of the Dark Witchery Empire said and we nobbed.

I interwinded our fingers, Analine blushed a bit and we walked to the other side of the table to sit.

I look around uncomfortable.
"Oh my god!!!  Analine you're more beautiful up close!"
that voice obviously belonged to Sarah who couldn't help but fangirl over Analine.

"Thank you Princess Sarah. You're also very beautiful" Analine said with a smile.

I watched as she talked to everyone around the table with her heartwarming smiles.

Wait!  What I'm thinking?  I don't believe in soulmates...........

Hey guys!!!!!
Thanks so such for the reads and votes. It means alot to me!  okay so when I said that the next six chapters are gonna be short I meant the next 4 chapters cause the days I'm writing these scenes are normal school/college days.

Sorry about the inconvenience!
So how did you like this chapter? 

How do you find the story so far? 

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Fragments of Light ∞ A Soulmates Story ∞Where stories live. Discover now