∞ Blood Moon Festival ∞

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∞ Analine's point of view ∞
∞ A week later ∞

I look at myself in the mirror.
The dress I'm wearing is a off shoulder red dress that has a low slit on the right with a  pearl set, I'm also wearing red gloves that end at my elbow. My raven hair is in a low messy bun with random strands sticking out.

I look overdressed.

"You look stunning Ana"
a familiar voice said making me turn to see Evan whose wearing a red suite with a white shirt inside and a matching tie and his usually messy hair pushed back with some strands falling over his forehead.

"You look dashing Evs"
I said making him chuckle.
"Thanks my queen but come now, we need to be downstairs with the guests"
he said as he approached me.

He gestured a hand which I took and we folded our hands together and walked to our destination.
A sweet melody started to play as we walked down the stairs and all eyes were on us.


"Ladies and gentlemen welcome your majesties King Evan and Princess Analine " 
someone announced and everyone clapped.

"People of Twilight City and honored guests welcome to the blood moon festival "
Evan said and everyone cheered.
"Today, we'll honor the Moon Goddess for everything she has given us! Enjoy your feast tonight in honor of the Moon Goddess! " Evan announced as I looked at the crowd with a nervous smile.

"Come with me "
Evan whispered to me and I nodded in response.
We walked out to the balcony and everyone followed behind.

I looked at the sky and it was pitch black even a star can be seen.

The wind blows softly against my skin making me shiver a bit.
The dark clouds unveil to reveal a big  full  yellow-like moon but the radiating light is white.

Everyone bowed down and after a few confused moments I did so.
Drums started to play making everyone get up from their positions.

As the drums played the moon turned red as if someone was painting, soon it was a crimson colour and the drums stopped.

"Let the feast began! "
Evan shouted from besides me.
Soon everyone as if they were animals started to jump off the baloney.
" Don't tell me that you're going to drink human blood?"
I asked in concern.
He looked at me
" My kingdom has kept to it's promise Ana, we only drink animal blood or take take blood supplements "
he stated.
"What animals do you drink blood from? "
I asked out of curiosity.

"Bears, deers and farm kettle but mostly bears for the blood moon festival because one of them is enough for at least 20 vampires and can keep a vampire full for two weeks"
he said and I nodded in response and understandment.

"What is the blood moon festival about? "
I asked.
He smiled and looked at me with golden eyes
" When the moon is red vampire's are at their strongest and because of they drain out most of their powers, which means that they have to feed. This blood moon festival happens every 25 years when the moon is closer to Earth and this phenomenon happens " he stated.

"For how long do you feed? "
I asked.
"Until you're full"
he said.


"Your highness, I've brought your feeding! "
someone said from infront of us.
This vampire has a huge wine glass that has blood in it.
"Thank you"
Evan said and the vampire jumped off the baloney again.

He put the huge glass against lips and in no time the blood was finished and he looked at me with his pupil's turned red.

He wiped the blood off the side of his lip up with a tissue and then discarded into his pocket.

He closed his eyes, exhaled and inhaled and opened his eyes which turned back to its normal dark hazel colour.

"Evan are you okay? "
I asked in concern and he gave me the most sweetest smile.
He planed a kiss on my forehead and looked into my eyes
" More than I've ever been Ana " he said sending sparks down my spine.

Is this wrong?

He noticed my change of expression
" What's wrong? "
he asked.
I smiled sadly
" I don't know but somehow I always find myself doubting everything Evan"
I said truthfully.

"Don't worry about those doubts Ana because I'm here to cherish, love and protect you "
he said making my heart flatter.
"Thank you"
I said hugging him for a while then we broke the embrace.

I yawned because I was tired.
"Tired aren't we? "
he said chuckling.
"Yeah" I replied.

All of a sudden he carried me bridal style but I was too sleepy to even bother.
Soon we were in my room and he put me on the bed.

"Good night my love! "
he said before he placed a kiss on my forehead and took out the jewellery I was wearing.

"Miads, please change her up! "
he said before I leaving and soon I fell off to sleep while the maids changed me.

Hey beautiful people!!! 
How are you????

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!! 

It's gonna be a triple update today!!! 

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