∞ The Engagement ∞

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∞ Analine's point of view ∞
∞ Two years later ∞

It's been two years ever since that war and it's almost unbelievable. However I can't help but to fall for Evan everyday.

Well today's the day where we both take a whole new stepping stone!

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing an ankle length black dress that shimmers with a heart shaped chain and matching earings. Not forgetting my two inch high heels.

"Your highness? "
someone called making me turn away from the mirror.
I replied to the maid.
"It's time"
she said and I nodded in response.

I followed behind her to a door that was opposite the staircase.
"Ladies and gentlemen!  Welcome your soon to be Queen, Analine! " someone said and the doors opened which was my cue to walk out of the hallway and into the stairs.

As I walked down the stairs a sweet but calming melody played and all eyes were on me. I walked gracefully to Evan whose eyes glittered in admiration.

He gestured his hand and I took it. Evan's wearing a suit that is exactly like my dress it's black in colour and shimmery.

I can't believe that today's my engagement.

Soon our rings were exchanged and he was officially my fiancé.

Eyes were on us as we danced across the room.

I've never been this happy before..

Mum, dad I hope that you guys are happy watching me from wherever you guys maybe....

Sort chapter! 
But anyway that's it for today!!

So how do you feel about the three chapters?

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