"We don't really need the kiss scene right now, I just wanted to see your emotion and how you'd deliver the lines."
"Unless you want to, Abilene is already here?" she added, looking at the gorgeous Kates.

"Oh, no it's okay, I was joking. We can skip the kiss scene for the rehearsals," DiCaprio mutters, as I exit the stage.

"That was great, Giselle," Abilene says who was behind my shoulder.

"T-thank you. Oh—this is yours, I should get back," I replied, taking out the character sign from my neck, putting it in Abilene's as she smiles.

Picking up the scissors and cutters, the folded paper that was on my pocket fell.

why didn't you audition for catherine?

I scoffed, crumpling and putting it at my back pocket.

Leo's P.O.V.

Jayson and I are outside the school, waiting for Giselle to finish her photo-taking for the school play poster. I was patiently waiting but the silence was interrupted by Jayson speaking.

"Giselle is so cute, isn't she?"

I replied, "Jayson, what?"

"I said she's cute. And, talented too." he answered with no hesitation, a broad smile pasted on his face.

"Isn't she too young?" I said, looking at her with my eyebrows a bit furrowed.

Jayson looked at me with a confused stare, "She's a year younger than us. What do you mean?"

"Hey, guys I'm done."

"That was fast," I said with my arms still crossed.

She replied, giving out an innocent smile, "I actually only took a few today, but they're good!"

"Let's go?" I asked, taking a step as I was leaning at my car.

"Oh, wait! I actually have to drop... this first with that lady I'm friends with," she says, getting a brown paper bag from her sling bag with a wide smile.
"I-It's only 2 blocks away, I can walk." she added, leaving us both confused.

With no hesitation, "Wait, I'll take you there. I wanna meet this woman," I exclaimed as she turns around with a set grin.

We arrived shortly and I was surprised as I saw an elderly, with her wheelchair, at her porch. Sitting alone.

"Hello, Mrs. Sanchez! How many birds have you seen today? I'm so sorry I'm a bit late, here I have something for you," she says as her voice slowly fades the further she walks, giving her the paper bag.

"I'm so into her, Leo. Look how kind she is."
"She also has a friend like her back in Texas," Jayson adds, as I was in complete silence.

With a chuckle, I muttered calmly, "She really would go on her way to be someone's accompany."

"Bye, Mrs. Sanchez!" she shouts, walking towards us.
"Alright, let's go."

End of POV


I'm exhausted.

I threw myself at the bed, my eyes unintentionally closing, as I mutter, "You're almost done. You just have to clean Leo's room."

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