She hadn't made lunch that day having been too nervous to hold the utensils right and she didn't want to risk chopping off a finger.

They all walked back to class to get their backpacks before walking out of the school compound together. Alanna hadn't used her board or the skate shoes knowing she'd be too distracted to concentrate. She'd walked to school that morning.

Ryan had his hand around Alanna's shoulders pulling her closer to his side protectively. Another thing Alanna had noticed about Ryan was that he was very possessive and protective. Before he used to touch her all the time and call her sweet names. But ever since they started dating it's like had turned it all the way up. They always had to be touching in some way and he always found some new place to kiss her. Her hair, her face, her hands and don't get her started on all the hugs he gave her. They were definitely living the couple goals seen online. It's like Ryan had been waiting so long to date her and now that he finally was he had unleashed everything he had been holding back. Alanna let him be though because he always respected her boundaries and never did anything she wasn't comfortable with. He always made sure to attend to her needs before his and treated her like the perfect gentleman. Alanna definitely won the jackpot when it came to having the perfect boyfriend.

They arrived at the cafe after a fifteen minute walk. They got in and found a table at the furthest corner and made themselves comfortable. A waitress came to attend to them moments later and they all ordered their drinks and two pepperoni pizzas.

"What's everyone planning on doing in the two weeks we have off from school?" Sam asked.

"Sophia and I are being shipped off to visit my grandma." Liam replied with a groan.

Not that he wasn't looking forward to seeing his believed grandmother but because she lived in a remote village with no electricity and poor network.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad. You'll get to swim in the river and take hikes." Alanna encouraged.

"That gets boring after three days and if you're so into it why don't you join us. The more the merrier." Sophia suggested.

"No can do. My queen and I are going to enjoy two weeks of relaxing and being lazy as before school starts back up again." Ryan replied.

"Good for you guys. I get to spend two weeks baby sitting my cousins." Tony complained.

"Sucks for you guys. I am going to visit my big brother on campus so you know what that means. Booze and girls." Sam declared proudly.

"Yeah until you say something stupid and they realize you're a high school student." Sophia replied.

"That's the jealousy talking." Sam replied.

Before they could bicker anymore their drinks arrived together with the pizza and all conversation was forgotten as they dug in.

Ryan and Alanna had been discussing what to do with their break and since it wasn't that long they decided to just spend it together just being lazy. They would go on dates, walks, picnics and anything that would bring them closer.

"Queen Helen and her followers just entered." Sophia announced in a sarcastic tone since she and Tony were the ones facing the door.

You'd expect them all to turn and look but they paid no heed to her. As long as she didn't bother them they wouldn't pay attention to her.

"I didn't know her body allowed her to eat pizza." Liam teased and they all laughed.

Because of how Helen carried herself they all expected her to play her stereotype mean girl persona to the T. Seeing her there was very unexpected.

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