Blue eyes

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(Roses POV)

               Rose was flipping through the textbook the teacher had handed her after she introduced her to class when she saw him. He had ran into the classroom and handed Ms. Goodwin a piece of paper before hurrying to sit on the opposite side of the room from her. He sat down and pulled out a tattered book and began to draw in it. Rose watched him. She studied how he touched his lips when he admired his work and how his hands would run through his dark hair before he went back to sketching.

When Ms. Goodwin called on him he didn’t even notice, he was so into his work.

“Jace!” Ms. Goodwin called out for the third time.

Jace, his name was Jace. Warmth raced through herself as she repeated his name to herself. Jace.

Rose watched as Jaces head snapped up and he slammed his book. The color drained his face. He was obviously shy.

“Goodness Jace, can you answer my question? When did the Great War begin and when did it end?” Ms. Goodwin asked.

Jace answered in a soft yet sure voice. Jaces voice was always the same, but when she heard it, it was like she was hearing it for the first time. It rang through her head and slammed through her body. Gods she missed him.

Satisfied with the answer Ms. Goodwin continued, “Nice job, Jace. Can anyone else elaborate on that?”

Rose watched as Jace resumed drawing, his body eventually began to relax and the color returned to his cheek by the time the Bell rang.

Rose stood up and collected her things. She wanted to match Jaces pace so she could talk to him. This was always the hardest part of finding him, not running up to him, grabbing him and kissing him. But if she did that, he’d freak out.

Jace stood up, threw his bag over shoulder and headed out of the room. Rose quickly went after him. She saw him weaving in between people with his head down, he was in route with the stairs. Rose picked up her pace and caught up to him. She didn’t know what to say to him. So she did the best thing she knew. She bumped into him.

“ugh. Sorry.” Rose said with an apologetic face.

Jace caught himself and replied as he picked up his messenger bag. “Nothing is broken, you’re forgiven.” He looked up at Rose and smiled.  “Oh my god. I mean wow. I don’t know you. You must be new here.” He said quickly as he blushed.

Roses body hummed with excitement as she realized this is the first time he has spoken to her in 17 years.

Rose cleared her throat and replied. “Guilty”

“Right.” Jace said. “Umm, My name is Jace.”

“Rose” I told him as I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He shook it and smiled down at me. It made me smile back at him. “Oh, can I ask you for help?” I asked.

“Sure.” Jace said.

“I don’t know where to go now.” I said as I took my schedule and handed it to him.

“Oh, no problem.” He said as he unfolded my schedule.

“You know they say if you make at least one friend on your first day of school you will be fine. I mean, not that we’re friends or anything but it nice that someone is willing to help me.” I told him and immediately felt like a loser. Way to go Rose.

Jace chuckled nervously. “Yeah.” He agreed as he looked down at my schedule.“Looks like you’ve already made a friend.” He stated coldly. “Anyways, just go up the stairs and it’s the classroom straight ahead.” He directed me before handing me my schedule and walking away.

“Hey wait, I-” I tried but gave up. He had already taken the stairs two at a time and disappeared.

Way to go. I thought to myself as I ripped Liam’s name and number off my schedule and climbed the stairs to my next class.

Rose kept watching the clock eagerly and when the bell rang she shot out of her seat and blew through the doors. She knew Jace had to walk her way in order to get to his next class whatever it was. When he rounded the corner Rose noticed that his hair had dried. His hair was a mess of dark messy tufts that made him look good. Rose smiled.

Jace was walking towards her while… holding the hands of a girl. Rose felt jealousy flare through her body. Could they just be friends?

Nope definitely not friends. She thought as she watched Jace return a kiss. The girl held his and planted a light kiss on his lips before walking away. Jace pulled his bag towards him and walked right past her and into another classroom. Room 208. Rose checked her schedule and smiled. She walked into room 208 and took a seat beside him. Jace didn’t even notice. He busy sketching. Rose leaned over a bit and gasped.

Jace glanced up at her.

“Oh, sorry.” I apologized to him. “I just um- I thought I was going to fall out of my seat.” I lied stupidly. Gosh, he is going to think I am stupid.

“Are you sure it had nothing to do with reading over my shoulder.” He asked me with a raised brow.

Damn that is sexy. He had this sexy nerd thing down to a T. He was wearing dark jeans and a superman T-shirt with some Converse. He had blue eyes and a strong jaw structure. He was the epitome of a good looking guy.

“Okay, you caught me.” I told him as I took another glance at his sketch. “You’re really good.” I told him as I took in the Silhouette of a woman he was sketching. I irked me how familiar it was.

“That is what Penelope says too.” He said as he finished shading the woman.

“Is that your sister?” I asked hopefully.

“No,” He answered. I waited for him to explain but he didn’t. So I broke the silence.

“I used to know somehow who drew a lot like you. That is why I was so shocked. You both draw the same things.” I told him as I saw his hands trace the womans body. His fingers left a shaded streak behind and I was thrusted into a memory.

It was sometime in the early 1900s. I was sitting in our little home in the city. We had just moved here a few nights ago. I got enough money and we decided to leave his hometown behind. Jasper was in another room finishing her painting when I ventured in.

“What are you doing my love?” I asked him as I sat on his lap.

Jasper dipped his finger into his paint and ran his finger down his canvas. “I am painting my life.”  He told me.

“A masterpiece.” I told him as I kissed his handsome cheek.

“No, my delicate Rose. You are my masterpiece.” He said as he stopped painting and laid me onto the floor. The cold wood touched me and I shivered. Jasper took his paint clad fingers and ran them across my ticklish skin. I laughed and within moments we were both covered in paint as well as our room.

We heard a knock at the door and Jasper left to answer it. I turned over and saw the silhouette of a woman on his canvas. Jasper had been shadowing her and bringing her to life. It was a beautiful piece.

“Hello?” A voice asked snapping me out of my memory. I blinked a few times and look into Jace's blue eyes. “You said you knew someone?” He stated. I searched his eyes and then answered.

“Yeah.” I told him as I pushed the sadness of the memory away. “He- well he was a painter. Your work took me back.” I told him with honesty.

Jace nodded. “I am sorry. If it would make you feel better, I could show you some of my other work. I have been painting for years. If you’d like, I can show you some.” He offered.

I smiled. “I would love that.” I told him as the bell rang for class to start. I turned away from him and sank into my seat. Throughout class, I snuck glances at Jace and watched him sketch. He truly was amazing. As he was in every life.

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