🛠Vampire in the sheets♠

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🐙-Please forgive me if you see any spelling mistakes or miss sentencing, this was also my first story.

Third person:

It has been two months since soda found out that gundham was a vampire. The way it happened though was kind of awkward, soda and gundham were forced to live in a dorm together and one day gundham came home with a good size box in his hands. Soda, being a curious one , asked him what was in the box.

Soda: yo man what's in the box you got there?

Gundam: It is none of your concern, mortal.

Soda: jeez man, I was just asking!

Gundam: sigh*

Third person:

As Gundham was walking to his room with the box soda brushed his hand against it, it was freezing, it was like he was holding a little refrigerator. Soda was confused, why did he need a refrigerator in his room? He wasn't paying attention and he didn't move his foot quick enough so he accidentally tripped Tanaka. Gundam went flying along with the box out of his hands. It all happened so fast that Kazuichi couldn't register what just happened. Until he looked down at Gundam who was absolutely serious looking, he was giving him a look like he was about to kill him.

Soda: SHIT! Man I'm so sorry I didn't mean-

Soda what is the meaning down to help Tanaka up when he knows the box was open but what was inside was oozing out. It was blood.


Tanaka noticed it too and quickly got up to close the box. when he closed the Box you looked up at soda who was pale and horrified. That's when Tanaka realized that the gig was up. He grabbed soda and shoved him against the wall with blood red eyes. Soda was absolutely terrified, he thought at that moment he was going to die. A few minutes of silence passed before Tanaka finally spoke up.

Gundam: Mortal kazuichi, tell me what do you think is in that box?

Soda: B-blood...

Gundam: Yes mortal, you are right, for I am what you, mortals call a vampire.

Third person:

Now in this world that gundham and soda live in, vampires and werewolves were seen regularly but no one really talked about it. They were quite rare to see though but they were all still terrifying but being that they were very see no one really noticed or cared they just wanted to go on with her day really of course there are hunters out but everything was still Hi-Tech it wasn't like they were living in the 1800 but the beasts were still terrifying and soda never thought he'd meet one THIS close.

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