Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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She walks into Zuko's room. "Need some help?"

"Mizuki!" His eyes light up. She smiled and helps put his arm through the robe and ties it at his waist. "Don't be an idiot and get in the way of lightning again." She mutters. "No promises." She glares at him. He chuckles. "Ok, ok, I won't." They kiss before Mai comes in. "Well looks like someone's out of prison." Mizuki grins at her. Mai rolls her eyes. "I still don't trust you."

"Gee I wonder why. Was it because I left behind my Nation to help Aang and MY husband." The two have a glare off. Zuko chuckles nervously. "Why so tense?" He asks. Mizuki sighs. "On our way back from Ba Sing Se, Mai said she didn't trust me to stay with the Fire Nation. My DUTY to the Fire Nation never existed. My duty was always to Zuko and to help him."

"You're still a Fire Nation citizen."

"Doesn't mean I HAVE to obey all their rules. Plus we were at war. Now we're not. Zu is becoming Fire Lord and you are leaving right now." Mizuki practically shoves Mai out the door and closes it. She grumbles about jealousy before walking back towards Zuko and sighing. "Sorry I got mad. I don't like her nor do I trust her."

"I understand. Really. She's my friend though. So you'll have to get along." Mizuki nods. "I'll try to. For you." Zuko smiles and pecks Mizuki's forehead. "You know I'd never leave you. Not after the shit we've been through."

"Yeah." She sighs.

They get their royal clothes on. She fixes her hair multiple times before giving up and asking the servants to put her hair down.

She smiles at her appearance after the servants helped her with her hair

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She smiles at her appearance after the servants helped her with her hair. She looks at the Water Tribe pin in her hair. Her family had come back to observe the coronation. Luckily her father was alive and well. He was soon to be appointed to Zuko's council. Sadao was also going to be appointed to Zuko's council. She grabs her ring and necklace and puts them on. While she had the Water Tribe pin pushing back her hair from her face she also had a Fire Nation topknot with a red ribbon holding it together. Some pink flowers were put in her hair as well.

She walks out of the room to find Zuko waiting for her with his Fire Lord armor. He looked stunning. "Wow." She muttered. He smiled shyly. "You look amazing." He softly said. "You too! This is a nice look! I mean I love your hair down for reasons but this look here is opposing and commanding. Like show me respect and I will show you respect." She tried to explain. He smiles. "Let's go." Aang was meditating by the door. He had Gyasto's necklace and Lilian's bracelet on. Mizuki hugs Aang. "One year ago I was still in that ice."

"One year ago I was hunting you down."

"Things have changed and now we're friends."

"Yeah. And now we're friends." The two hug. Mizuki grins broadly from beside them. "Zuki you look amazing! The pin seems so out of place."

"Yeah. With all this red, one blue pin seems weird. It's my mother's so I wanted to wear it."

"I'm gonna keep wearing Lilian's bracelet. To honor her and all those we've lost."

"Hate to be making plans right now but when are we going to the Southern Air Temple?"

"In a few weeks. When everything is starting to settle out. Maybe a month at most." Aang shrugged. Zuko placed a hand on their shoulders. "I'm glad I have you two beside me."

"We're not gonna leave you alone. Especially me! You're stuck with me for forever!" Mizuki giggles. "Let's go." They nod. Stepping out into the open Mizuki scans the crowd to find her family. Euna is in all blue. Her mother is in purple and her father is in all red with his Admiral outfit on. She scans to find Tal, Esen, Coro, and Rengi. Esen catches her eyes and grins. Mizuki grins back.

Zuko says a speech. Aang continues it with ease. Aang passes it off to Mizuki who takes a deep breath before speaking. "About a month ago I never saw myself standing in the Fire Nation Capital. But there I was a sick feeling in my stomach. This war was tearing families apart and ruining lives of thousands. Ba Sing Se was crumbling under the cruel tyranny of Ozai. I may have seemed the perfect Princess in the public's eye but in private I wished to escape from this life. I never wanted to rule a nation who hurt others. Even if I had the love of my life beside me. When he choose good and redeemed himself by working with the Avatar and his friends I was incredibly happy. I knew we could end this war. I knew we could create a peaceful world, once more. Somehow in the rubble of the Western Air Temple were four nomads. Esen, Tal, Nun Coro, and Monk Rengi with their bison Indie and Lily. It was like a dream. The Air Nation from the ashes came back. They had escaped during the first attacks. I hope that the Fire Nation can repay all debts to the Air Nation and redeem themselves as my husband has redeemed himself." She bows at the end. Cheering was heard but she paid no mind to it and looked at Esen who gave her a thumbs up.

The two had made good friends during their short time together at the Western Air Temple. Zuko gets crowned Fire Lord and Mizuki looks at him before looking out into the crowd. She finds Sokka, Katara, Hakoda, and the Kyoshi Warriors. Ty Lee was the new addition to the Kyoshi Warriors.

Later that day they were at Iroh's tea shop. Mizuki had switched out of her royal robes to something more Water Tribe traditional.

She grabs the tea Zuko hands her with a smile

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She grabs the tea Zuko hands her with a smile. "Thank you Zu."

"You're welcome babe." He kissed her forehead and continues to place the tea down for all of them. Aang was playing with Momo. Sokka was well being Sokka and drawing. Toph was relaxing next to her. Suki was talking with Katara. Iroh was playing the tsungi horn and Mizuki felt at peace. Even Esen and Tal joined them in Air Nomad clothing. Esen sits beside Mizuki and smiles. "How are you feeling Mizuki?"

"Very content Esen." Esen grins and lounges in her chair. "It's nice to get all this stress off your shoulders!" Mizuki nodded with a small laugh. "Zuko stop moving! I'm trying to capture the moment." This lead to some arguing. "You all look great!" Toph exclaimed. Mizuki laughed. The rest of her friends did too. This was her family now. Her new family and she was happy just the way it was.

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