Chapter 10: Western Air Temple Spirits Freed

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When Zuko and Sokka left, Mizuki had grumbled about it. "I have some semblance of an idea where they're going." She had muttered to herself. "Let them be Mizuki." Coro said. "My husband is off on a suicidal mission." She hissed. "He'll probably see Azula and-"

"He'll be fine. He has Sokka. They have each other." Mizuki nods but still doesn't stop worrying.

Coro has her spend time with the three bison. Despite Indie's scruffy fur she found it comforting. "You like Indie too?" Esen asks. Esen was probably about 14 or 15. Tal was about 18. "Indie has a sort of comfort that I like."

"It reminds you that not everything is perfect." Esen pets Indie with a smile. "I always wanted my own bison... but that can only happen when there are more. Or if you meet one and they connect with you. They choose you not the other way around and you're with them until death do you part."

"Sounds like marriage vows." Mizuki snorts. Esen smiles and lays next to her on Indie's leg. "Do you miss your home?"

"The Northern Water Tribe? Not much. Only when my family is there. They went back the day after me and Zuko got married. I could tell that they understood what was going to happen really soon. Well besides my father. He stayed for the war meeting and then disappeared into the night. Nobody knows where he went but I can tell he's in hiding. Then me and Zuko left. We followed Aang and his friends to the Western Air Temple. Geez, I rambled."

"No it's ok. The nuns and monks of the colonies told us stories of the old days when the bison could roam freely. Where nomads lived in harmony with the world. When everything was in balance and peace was across the world. Since Tal's my best friend since we were kids I went with him to find his family and wound up here. We did meet his family though. I managed to meet mine. I'm a little shocked to say that my mother is a fire bender and my father is an air bender."

"Wow. Aang never met his family from what I can tell. He never got the chance to because he ran away."

"Nun Coro told us the story. All the nomads know the story. They don't blame him. They don't feel anger towards him. He was just a kid. A kid who was told too early of the power he possessed and that he was supposed to be taken from his mentor too early."

"Monk Gyasto. I saw his body at the Southern Air Temple."

"The colony that went back dug up their bodies and burned them and had a proper funeral for them. They're saving Monk Gyasto for Aang."

"Kinda harsh."

"Kinda... I mean if it was me... I'd be balling my eyes as I stared upon my old mentor and father figure. I wouldn't have the heart to burn and spread his ashes into the wind."

"Are there bodies here?"

"Yes... a mass grave not far from the bison stables... we should go let their spirits be free." Mizuki sits up. "Can we do that now?"

"Don't you want your friends with you?"

"Zuko and Sokka are on a mission. Aang is here. So is Katara and Toph. You have Tal, Coro, and Rengi. I think the dead would want to be let free into the afterlife." Esen nods. The two walk to the main area. Esen speaks up, "Avatar Aang how about we do a mass funeral for the nuns from the Western Air Temple?" Aang looks up and then stands up. He controls his expression. "Yes. Nun Coro, Monk Rengi will you two join us?"

"Of course, Young Avatar." Coro replied. "All nomads are our family. We should let their spirits be free in the wind." Aang nods. Esen guides them to the hall where hundreds of bodies lay together. Mizuki turns away feeling the food from breakfast coming up. Esen puts on a brave face and carefully picks the bodies out with Tal. Aang starts a fire for them. Mizuki keeps it going. Whatever scraps of clothing they have Katara and Mizuki help sew them small pouches. Coro and Rengi say some words over the bodies before placing them in the fire. Toph uncovers more bodies in the temple.

They spend hours cremating each body. Aang looks ready to cry when he spots a small girls body. She had a bracelet on. Aang kneels before her body and looks at the bracelet. He says to them, "This was Lilian."

"How do you know?" Esen asks. "She was the only female allowed at the Southern Air Temple. Her mother was Nun Rihan. Nun Rihan and Monk Gyasto raised me. Lilian was like my little sister. She was only ten." A lump forms in his throat. "Let me-" Coro and Rengi understand. Aang takes the bracelet and puts it on. He carries the body to the fire and places her body in it. Mizuki places her hand on Aang's shoulder. Katara does the same. "You're doing the right thing Aang."

"She was only ten..." he whispers. Mizuki gulps down the lump in her throat. She holds her pendant. "She'll be in a better place Aang." Katara tells him with a soft saddened smile. Aang nods. Her ashes are placed in a bag and they take the little bags to the three bisons saddles. Esen gets on Indie. Tal gets on Lily. Coro goes on her bison Indie and Rengi goes on his bison Lily. Katara, Mizuki, Toph, and Aang get on Appa. They fly into the canyon.

Aang apologized profusely as he scatters their ashes to the wind. Then Lilian and Nun Rihan's pouches are left. Aang gulps and with tears streaming down his face scatters Rihan's ashes to the wind. Rihan's spirit appears. "Thank you Aang." Her voice is soft and airy. Like the wind itself that blows through the canyon. Aang cries, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Aang. Your destiny wasn't to fight 100 years ago. It was to fight now. You didn't make a mistake. Hundreds of nomads escaped. Living proof with Esen, Tal, Coro, and Rengi." Rihan smiles. "I am so proud of you Aang. So proud. You have friends from all nations despite what is occurring. Let your friends help you. Do not carry this regret and guilt by yourself any longer." Aang nods and says, "I'll always miss you Nun Rihan."

"And I will miss you too Aang. One day you will join us. Our spirits free to the wind. I love you very much Aang."

"I love you too." Aang chokes it out as he cries. He watches as her spirit fades and grabs Lilian's pouch. He looks at the bracelet on his wrist and scatters Lilian's ashes.

"Hi Aang!" Her spirit cheers happily. Aang smiled weakly tears still streaming down his face. Lilian's jubilant smile fades. "I know it hurts Aang." Aang doesn't try to hide his sobbing. Lilian says softer, "It was terrible being forgotten for years. But you never forgot about us. The other nomads never forgot about us. They just couldn't return. When you go back to the Southern Air Temple I suspect someone will be waiting for you. Don't forget about me Aang." Aang nods. "I won't Lilian. I promise I won't! I'm so sorry though. You were so... so young." He whispers at the end. Lilian giggles, "At least my spirit is free in the wind! Right mom!" Rihan is next to her a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Of course Lily." Aang chokes on his sob. "We are not gone Aang. We are manifested into the family you have now." Aang can feel his friends stares behind him. "Thank you. All of you." Rihan smiles at the group Aang has with him. Mizuki sits on Appa's head. "I apologize for the Fire Nation's actions." Rihan looks at her with a soft smile. "Do not apologize dear. It is alright."

They fly away with heavy hearts. Aang looks back at the area they scattered all those ashes. He catches Lilian's bright smile before she's out of sight. He smiles too. His heart felt heavy and full of guilt. That weight lessened by letting the spirits of these nomads go. Mizuki turns from her seat on Appa and says to Aang, "Let us carry some of your burden Aang. We can handle it. This is our war to fight now. This is our moment." Aang looks at her and crawls onto Appa's head taking his reigns from Mizuki. "Ok. Thank you. I needed this."

"Do you want a hug?"

"Yes." She smiles and hugs Aang tightly. She hugged Zuko tightly like this after Lord Azulon had passed and Ozai was crowned Fire Lord. Katara and Toph join them. Tal and Esen smile from their seats on the bison flying beside Appa. Coro gives a teary smile to Rengi who gives one back to her.


I got this idea from an AO3 called "The Airbenders' Funeral" by SammyC26. Granted that is set a couple years after the war had ended. There will be one for the Eastern Air Temple and Southern Air Temple. The colony in both places is really small so they haven't found all the bodies. It's gruesome yes but... *sigh* It's what happens. Let's take a couple minutes to reflect on our own history and maybe learn something new about history that could be prevented today. Because as we've seen History repeats itself. If WW1 and WW2 are anything of a reminder.

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