"You're kidding, right!" Caroline mocked Donna

"I'll scratch your big, dumb eyes out! Got it?" She shrieked as she stormed out of the basement in a hurry

"Oh, my God." Lana spoke up

"I know. Her nails are beautiful." Jackie compliment throwing her nail file on the table


"She was scary." Donna explained to Fez as soon as the boys got back from the church fundraiser

" Really Really scary." Lana nodded, "Okay, Exorcist scary!"

"Fez, you have to break up with her." Jackie warned

"Okay, you two are overreacting. She is a little loony, but she wouldn't hurt you." Fez brushed off the girls warning

"Hey!" Caroline said sweetly as she walked into the basement. She stood behind fez, who was on the couch

Hello, my sweet girlfriend." Fez said with a smile, tilting his head back to look at her, Caroline kissed the top of his head

Jackie and Lana looked at each other, they both knew what they had to do. They both put a hand on Fez's thighs.

Caroline grabbed the girls arms, gripping very tightly and lifting them off of her boyfriends legs.

"We've been over this!" Caroline shouted, the vein on her neck popping out

"Caroline!" Fez exclaimed, getting up from the couch

"Touch Fez and die!" Caroline yelled at the girls

"Stop it! These are my friends!" Fez gesturing to the girls

"Oh, really?" Caroline let go of the girls wrists and steeped towards fez, "

Did they shoplift 30 dollars' worth of indelible ink markers...and write your name on every inch of their room? Every inch! Did they?"

"Um, did you guys do that?" Fez asked, his voice fluttering

"No!" the three girls said in unison

"Well, there you have it..." Fez let out a nervous chuckle, "Um, Caroline...I have to break up with you."

"Why?" Caroline asked, her voice softening, " And don't say it's because I'm crazy. Because I'm not crazy."

"Oh, no. Oh... Oh, no. Of cour... Of course not. It's just, um... It's just, um..." Fez tried to think of an excuse, "Lana and I are in love."

"What?" Caroline shrieked

"Oh, my God." Lana mumbled, she was now scared for her life

"Ewww!" Jackie said scrunching her nose

"Yes, we are in love and freaky for each other." Fez said pulling  Lana off of the couch and wrapping and arm around her waist, "Please tell her. Please." Fez begged

Lana didn't know what to say, she wanted to help Fez but she also didn't feel like dying today.

"What if she tries to kill her?" Donna whispered to Jackie

Groovy Baby ~That 70s show Steven Hyde storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz