Chapter Three: Shame

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He hadn't planned on showing up to group therapy five minutes late, but after his talk with Dr.Kiyoko he had needed to calm down. He tried to quietly enter the room where the session was being held, however, the door had other ideas and decided to slam loudly behind him. He was suddenly the center of attention, all conversation ceased and everyone stared at him from where they sat in a circle of chairs. He gulped wishing the floor could just swallow him up, so he wouldn't have to avoid so many pairs of eyes boring into him.

"Ah Kageyama, thank you for joining us! Come choose a chair and join the circle. Don't worry we were just about to start sharing our highs and lows of the day. We usually start off every session with sharing. Since Kageyama is new you should all introduce your name and age as well." Dr.Sugawara's smile attempted to ease his awkwardness. He slowly walked towards the one empty chair.

He finally sat down, his chair acknowledging him with a squick of metal scratching against tile. His downcast gaze refused to budge realizing he was probably still the center of attention.

Dr. Sugawara finally started speaking again.

"Why don't you start us off Tanaka?" he seemed to be addressing a lean boy with a buzzcut and an intense face that rivaled Kageyama's.

"Huh..why does it have to be me doc." He sighed when Dr. Sugawara simply motioned for him to go on, and he began addressing Kageyama, "My name is Tanaka Ryuunosuke. I am 18 years old and let's see my high of today was finally getting myself to write an apology letter to my neighbor..."

"Is that the lady whose car you stole when you were in mania?"

He was cut off abruptly by a loud excited voice, that emanated from a surprisingly small body of a boy with black hair streaked upwards with one blonde strand in the center. His hair flopped as he squirmed excitedly in his seat awaiting an answer to his question. He looked like he had too much energy for Kageyama's taste.

"Noya, what did I say about interrupting others during group?" Dr. Sugawara interjected with a reprimanding gaze.

"But Tanaka always has such wild stories about when he was manic!" Noya said with a pout

"Please go on Tanaka. Mania isn't something to be glorified Noya." Dr. Sugawara said sternly.

"Yeah Noya, it was her." He said with a big smile, clearly he and Noya were close. "I apologized about the car and the time I hosted a party and some other things..." He trailed off "But my low was probably having to swallow my new pills, I feel like I am gagging every time I try to take lamictal." He said as he demonstrated with a hand around his throat.

"Wow Tanaka, I never thought you would have a hard time swallowing."

Kageyama whipped around to see a tall blonde with black glasses and hazel eyes smirking at his own clever snide remark, his long legs stretched out taking up the space in front of him. Next to him sat a very thin and fragile looking boy with a cowlick and a constellation of freckles across his face. His body language seemed to be the complete opposite of the blonde boy, he seemed to be hunched over himself, trying to disappear inward.
He also seemed to get a kick out of the dirty joke, he was laughing quietly behind his hand and quietly whispered. "Nice one Tsukki."

Dr.Sugawara only sighed. His patience was finally beginning to wane.

"Tsukishima, why don't you go next since you seem so eager to share."

The boy fixed Dr.Suga with an annoyed look and tsked before crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm Tsukishima Kei. I am 17 and don't you dare call me Tsukki" He said, fixing Kageyama with a look of disgust.

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