Chapter Two: Anger

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Dr.Sugawara waited behind Kageyama patiently, as he entered the room slowly.

His new room's walls were a bright yellow, the color made him nauseous. The sickly shade that surrounded him was a failed attempt at raising patient morale and creating cheeriness. He tried to not take it as an omen of what his time here would be like.

He would be willing to put up with white or yellow walls forever, if only he could have his own room.

He observed the two twin sized beds on opposite sides of the room, one was a mess of sheets intertwined with one another.

Clearly his new roommate wasn't the neatest person. His bright clothes were strewn about and there seemed to be a jumble of papers on the small night stand.

He walked over to the other bed placing his duffel bag of clothes down with a sigh.

His parents had dropped the bag off earlier this morning, they had claimed that they were happy for him and what they called "his new beginning."

He had nodded along because what else was there to do, he wondered who they had hired to clean up his bathroom. Probably someone they could swear into confidentiality, so they wouldn't have to bear the scandal it would cause if neighbors ever found out.

This was going to be his new home for a whole month...he wanted to smash his head into the wall or at least groan out loud but Dr.Sugawara was still waiting for him patiently to settle down so that he could be taken to meet his therapist.

He gave the room a parting glance and walked out.

You would think that they would try to make an adolescent inpatient program a little more cheerful, but the long white corridor was as bleak and sterile as the rest of the hospital.

It smelled a bit more homey than the anti septic smell of his hospital room, but maybe that was the smell wafting from the number of sweaty teenage boys occupying the space.

The only difference seemed to be the levels of security he had to get through to get in here. He had begrudgingly allowed them to search his whole body and bag before being buzzed through this morning.

They passed through a number of open doors lined up across the hallway, he assumed they were the other kids' rooms.
He forgot that he would be stripped of a lot of his privacy here, the rooms had to remain open during the day, or so he was told by Dr.Sugawara.

They reached what seemed to be a living room of sorts, it had a flat screen T.V, some couches and a coffee table.

A group of three kids were loudly playing Mario Kart on the television, the sounds of the game distracting him.

He rushed to keep up with Dr. Sugawara's quick pace not getting a chance to get a closer look at who he would be living with for the next month.
He didn't fail to notice the furtively curious glances that the boys sent his way.

They continued into another hallway that had rooms with little sound blocking machines on the outside. He was familiar with the concept, they needed to block out sound for confidentiality, but really he had concluded it was so nobody could hear the suffering and misery inside.

Despite his general apathy, he was anxious to meet his new therapist.

This wasn't his first time in therapy but he had taken a vow of solemn silence when his parents had forced him into therapy the first time after one of his outbursts at school.

His therapist had been this old man with greying hair and aura of medical authority. He had all his degrees lined up along the walls of his office, which was ridiculously posh even by Kageyama's standards.
He knew that this guy's time was expensive and in his parents mind that was equated with being the best. He quickly realized that was not the case. This doctor had no experience dealing with teenage boys and was completely unapproachable and unsympathetic. He cared more about slapping down a prescription for Kageyama to shove down his throat than therpay.

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