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Hello, Undead Lovelies! So, I know it's sort of sad, but... This is the last chapter. Don't you worry, though! There will be a second book coming out after I update some chapters of my other books. If you have any questions, Ideas, comments, do message me. Love you guys. I am going to put Rylee's, Lillian's, and Cody's point of view in the next book.


It was awfully weird that we were going to France, since we still had tours in the United kingdoms. We took the train that led us in a tunnel to France from the UK, and Rylee was bouncing off the walls. The people that were on the train stared at her as she talked rapidly to Jorel. Jorel was trying to keep up with her, but failed it.

When we got off, Danny grabbed Rylee and whispered to her. They kept looking over at me, and the guys made sure I didn't walk over.

I knew that Daniel wouldn't talk to me in a rude manner. It was always good things. The others lead me towards the streets of Paris. There were restaurants everywhere, and trees bloomed beautiful flowers. The scent of the blooms were amazing, so was the food. The street was quiet, and in the distance you could see the Eiffel Tower. The surrounding was breathtaking.

Daniel and Rylee caught up with us. She looked like she was hiding something from all of us, but once I looked at all of them, they did too. George wouldn't make eye contact with me, which was a very weird thing.

George always made eye contact with me, which was a good sign, showing that we were friends and that he was always listening to me when we were conversing.

I felt like everyone was ignoring me the whole time we were exploring Paris. No one talked to me. We walked across the Love Lock bridge, but Danny didn't even have a lock for us. Johnny brought a lock for the Hollywood Undead members. I sighed as Rylee and I watched them write on it and lock it onto the fenced bridge. Then we started to walk towards the Eiffel Tower.

"I just posted the picture of the lock on Instagram." Jorel says, all smiles.

"Nice. Now fans are going to pick at the lock." FunnyMan said with a sigh.

"I doubt it. If they are, then they are douches. I'm sorry." Johnny says, "I love my fans, but f*ck the ones that try."

"You don't really want to do that, George.. What if it's a guy?" Danny laughed.

"I'll make Kurlzz f*ck him, then." Charlie exclaimed. Everyone laughed.

"What?" Matthew was out of it, too busy zoning out at the water. He didn't even know what they said about him.

"Nothing, bud. We love you." Jeff laughed, walking over to him and hugging Matt.

"Could you tell me what you just said?" Kurlzz was annoyed now, and Jeff shook his head. Kurlzz made eye contact with Charlie, "Oh, I know now! Charlie called me gay!"

"I guess you could say that." Charlie giggled, and George slapped his shoulders and hugged him, still laughing his ass off.

"Damn you, then." Matthew mumbles, walking behind everyone except for me.

I was upset that Danny never acknowledged me through the whole walk to the Eiffel Tower until we were almost there. He hugged me like nothing was wrong.


"What sweetheart." He kissed my head.

"Why didn't you get a lock for us?" I say, a little butt hurt.

"You'll see, hun." Daniel stops us, pecking my lips. "You'll see."

We finally got to the beautiful tower. We took a group picture, and then Danny made Jeff take a picture of us two, which was very heart warming. Then we headed up the tower. We all crammed into a small elevator, squishing Matthew in a corner.

"F*ck all of y'all!" Matt exclaimed as we got out, flipping his friends off. A group of women saw and stared at him as if he was an idiot. They crammed theirselves in the elevator, and Kurlzz watched. He winked at one, making the girl widen her eyes, and blush.

Danny took my hand, and we walked over to the edge where we could see across the city. A small breeze blew my hair out of my face, and Danny looked into my eyes. The others were quiet, standing away from the edge. Instead of looking at the view, they eyed us. What was so amazing about Daniel and I? We were just two people who loves each other. There were many others like us.

"You know that I love you, right?" Danny asked me seriously.

"Of course. Do you know that I love you?" I ask, and he puts a hand in his pocket, fishing something out of it.

"Well, there's only one way to find out.." He pulls a small black velvet case for jewelry out, and kneels down. My heart pounds. My breath is taken away, and I cover my mouth my my hand. Butterflies flutter around in my stomach, "Sondra Calvert.. Will you marry me?"

Well.. I hope you loved the last chapter! Remember, there will be a 2nd book! I know, you probably hate me for having a cliffhanger.. Love you all and please comment!

Kiss My Mask. (Hollywood undead)-DannyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora