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My heart was pounding out of my chest. I felt like I was going to throw my stomach up. The words the nurse said kept repeating in my head;

"She may not know you all right of the bat.."

"Jeff?" I heard, "Jeff?!"

I snapped back to reality, and some doctors pushed a bed down the hall. The wheels squeaked as it made its way down the hall. Sondra was looking at me, snapping her fingers in front of my nose.

"I'm sorry.." Is all I manage to get out of my mouth. Everyone else must've been in Lillian's room already.

Sondra walked in, and I decided to follow behind her. The room was dark, pretty quiet, the only thing that seemed to make noise was the heart monitor. My eyes locked on Lillian.

I was sick to my stomach even more. Seeing the bruises on her face and the stitches was too much. Lillian was pale as a ghost. She looked dead already. Slowly, I walk toward her, gently holding her hand. It was cold. An IV was in her arm, and there was another for injecting blood.

The others watched. Sondra made her way over to the other side of her and sat in a chair. Danny went over to softly rub her back to calm her down. Lillian's hand squeezed mine gently. When I looked up at her face, she opened her eyes slowly, looking around at everyone. I smiled, and she studied me.

"Why are you holding my hand?" She asked, shakily pulling away. I let go.


"Do I know you?" She looked me over. My heart sunk, and felt like it shattered.

"It's Jeff." I say quietly.

Lillian examined me, which took 5 minutes. I might as well give up.. She won't remember me.

"I was kidding, Sh*tpants." Lillian says horsely. The others chuckle.

Relief rushed through me. Lillian grabbed my hand quickly and weakly, I leaned down to kiss her lightly on the head.

"I feel like crap.." Lillian mumbles, and she closes her eyes, "I'm going to sleep."

All I could do is smile. As long as she was going to be fine, I'd be happy. But Lillian was still in critical Condition. She could hardly speak or move. I noticed a cast around her collar bone and shoulder. Lillian had broken it..



We were going back to UK the next day. Lillian was holding up, but if something went wrong I made sure Cody would give us a call. I didn't really want to leave her, but when you have fans of the new single you are in waiting for you, you have to go.

We went to Del Taco to eat, since Charlie was the only damn person who would pick where to eat. No one had the apatite. Jordon wolfed down his burritos he bought as the rest of us sat at a large table at Del Taco. It was nasty. It was as if no one cleaned the place.. Two guys sitting in the corner booth spilt a pop on the floor, and they went to ask for a rag. One of the workers came over to tell them just to leave it.

"Maybe Dylan should squirt a bunch of salsa onto the table." I say, crossing my arms and sitting back.

"How much will you give me for it?" Dylan asked me.

"Like 10 bucks."

"Alrighty then!" He gets up, and walks over to where the soda machine is and the salsa. He squirted salsa all over the counter. The workers watched him, peering over at him with confused looks on their face. A customer covered their mouth and giggled. The guys laughed quietly as he came back over. His hands were caked in the nasty salsa, "Where's the money?"

"You didn't shake on it." I say, and everyone laughs loud, which echoes and gets everyone's attention.

FunnyMan slumps down in his chair, looking very pissed. After awhile, Jordon finished and we walked passed the counter with all the salsa dripping and sliding down it, making a small red pool on the floor. The workers didn't even clean it up. Kurlzz slipped in it, and he almost fell in it. Luckily George was behind him to catch him.

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