My names not Jeffery..

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I'm really stuck in my J-Dog FanFic, and I need some ideas.. Please comment your ideas of you do! Thank you.

~Shady Jeff~

"You're stupid."

"I know."

"I'm kidding."

"I know."

"How did you know I was kidding?" Lillian stared at me, chuckling a bit.

"Because you always call me stupid, and then you say you're joking." I look back at her.


Lillian brushed some blonde hair out of her face as we sat on my black couch. The room was dark, and the only light source was the TV. We watched "Just Go With It" since she had a small obsession with Adam Sandler. She said he was the funniest man alive.

Damn, I thought I was..

I peered out the window behind us. The rain poured down and the clouds covered the moon. It was supposed to be full tonight, and you could see it sort of light up the gloomy black clouds. A smack of thunder came after lightning, rumbling the house a bit. The potter-patter of the rain was heard on the roof. It was peaceful.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I ask Lillian, standing up.

"Just some water please." She smiled. I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

I took a glass out of my cupboard, and I filled it up with ice. A flash of lightning was seen from the window next to the sink, before the clap of thunder the lights went out.

Great. Powers out. I can't see.

Lillian giggled from the living room, "Jeffery?! I can't-- I can't see!"

I set the glass down, "My names not Jeffery! It's Jeff."

"Oh, shut up. I can call you all I want. Like.. F*ckpants or Stupid." She joked.

F*ckpants? What the hell??

"I can't see."

"No sh*t, Sherlock. I can't either."

What a smart-ass..

I take a step, and I start walking in the direction of what I think is to the Living room, "You're in the living room, right?"

"Do you think I know?" She asked. Her smart-assy-ness was making me tingle down you know where.. Why? Oh my god..

"Well, maybe you--" Something toppled over me before I could finish my sentence, making me bash my head against the floor. The lights turned on, and sure enough; there was Lillian on top of me. "My head.." I groaned.

"Sorry Sh*tpants." She smirked, peering down at me.

Now I'm sh*tpants?

"It's alright Smart-Ass." My hands traveled up to her waist as I stared back into her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know.. This." I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers, kissing them softly.

"Uhhm-Kay.." She was muffled by the kiss, then kissed back.

She kissed back!! Hell yeah!

I quickly pulled her off me and rolled on top of her, slightly pinning her to the ground gently. She didn't mind, because she kissed me again. Lillian slid her tongue into the kiss, and I wrapped my tongue around hers.


I lay in my bed next to Lillian, both out of breath. That was not something I thought I was going to get out of her. We both stared at the ceiling, naked under the covers.

"That was amazing." I say, smiling before wrapping my arms around her.

"I actually agree with you, Sh*tpants Jeffery." Lillian smirks, glancing at me.

"The names not Jeffery." It was irritating when people called me that. But when she called me "Jeffery", it was a joke. I held her closer.

"Right.. It's Jeff."

"Jeff it is."

"Sh*tpants, assbutt-"

"Assbutt?" I question.

"-Jeffery. I mean, Jeff." Lily giggles, and I laugh with her.

"Assbutt?" I question again.

"Got it from Supernatural, sorry."

Assbutt. This made me chuckle even more. After awhile, we both said together, "Assbutt."

I gently kissed her on the forehead after we giggled and laughed about it.

Sh*tpants Assbutt Jeffery.. Alrighty then.

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