Part 28

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*sorry I've been doing a lot of Louis POVs*


I made it home. I wanted to be with Harry, but I also missed my home so much. I needed to talk to my mom.

I slowly got out of the car and opened the house door. Lottie came running up to me.
"Hey Louis."
"Hey lots. Where's mom?"

"She's upstairs folding clothes."
"Okay. I'm going to go talk to her."
"Fine, then will you watch a movie with us?" She asked point towards the living room where all of the girls were.
"Of course." I said smiling at her and kissed her head. I then headed up stairs.

The light was on in my moms room. I knocked on the door. "What do you need Lottie?"
"It's me."
"Oh Louis. Come on in."

I opened the door. "Hi mom."
"Hi baby. Take a seat, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, but Harry."
"Oh honey I know."
"No, no, everything's been so hard on him. I'm scared he's fallen back into his-"
"I know what you're talking about." She came over and sat next to me.

"Tell me about it."
I took in a deep breath. "He was doing so good, until Gemma had her accident. He ran away from home. Mom I thought he jumped or did something else." I started cry. "H-he's cutting again I just feel so bad because I know what it feels like to be there and he was in that situation for so long. He was saying how glad he was that he felt better and then boom. He's back. He had a dream last night."

I paused and took another breath. My mom put her hand on my knee. "He had a dream. A bad-really bad dream. And he woke up in tears and he held onto my chest for dear life. I was so scared. I just rubbed his back and told him he was going to be okay. He told me in his dream he fell of the cliff and I-I jumped after him. I'm scared mom, what if he's thinking of doing something. He asked me to never let him fall, but what if I can't control if he does?" I choked. "What if I'm not there? What if he doesn't call me? What if he doesn't tell his mom? This has only been going on for a few days and it's already sky rocketed."

"Oh honey." She hugged me. "Maybe you need to tell Anne."
"I know."
"Do you think it'll help that Gemma's up?"
"Yeah, but it's not just going to go away right away."
"I understand honey."

"I just want him to be alright."
"I know, I know." She rubbed my back.
"He's with Gemma and his mom though. He'll be alright tonight?"
"Yes. He will be."
"I hope."
"I can call Anne."
"No, give him some time. I'll tell her personally if I have to."
"Okay. Maybe you should go with your sisters. Clear your head for a bit."
"Yeah, I'll do that." I nodded.
"Okay honey, if you need me you know where I am."

I smiled back at her and walked down the steps to the girls who were patiently waiting for me to join. I wiped my face and walked in.
"Who's ready for a movie?!"


She's awake. She alright. She's here. I listened to her breathes fall as she fell asleep. My mom walked over to me.

"Honey maybe we should go for a while, while she's asleep."
"I don't want to leave her."
"I know honey but-"
"Mom just a little while longer."
"Okay honey. I'll be back in a couple
of minutes."

"Gemma I know you're sleeping right now, but I'm going to talk to you. I don't know what I would have done without you. I'm falling again. It's happening. I don't know what to do about it and thank fo for Louis because he's really trying to save me. I love him so much. It's just so hard right now. In a matter of days I went from 100% to now like I said, falling. Gemma I almost- I'm not going to say it. I'll get better. I gotta get better. I'll do what it takes and it may seem simple and it feels simple, but the moment I go home and sit alone it's over. I feel so terrible too. Louis stayed with me for days trying to make sure I don't freaking kill myself and this may seem so freaking pathetic, but I don't know what I'm going to do without him tonight. He's home because he needs to be. I need to be able to be okay without him, but what if-  again? It's stupid, it really is. That terrible poor Harry can't even be by himself. He can't trust himself. So yeah I'm falling and I'm sorry. I know you told me that I wasn't allowed to again and we laughed about it, but I broke your rule and I'm so sorry. I'll go now since I hear someone walking here. It's mom. I love you Gem. I'm going to try and be okay."

"You ready honey?"
"Mhmm." I said and got up from her bed. I walked out of the room with her. She thanked a few of the doctors and nurses and asked if they could send her updates. They laughed and had a hug and then we were on our way.

"You doing okay baby?"
"Yeah." I lied.
"Are you sure? Since the other day I've been really worried about you."
"Yeah I know. I just need time."
"Okay. You can tell me anything okay? You know you can."
"I know mom."
"I just don't want you to-"
"Yeah, I know mom. Can we just not bring up the other day? Please."
"Oh okay."

It's quiet. Other than my mom talking about how's she excited that Gemma's awake and me responding. That conversation lasted about five minutes. The ride home was longer than that sadly.

I decided to pull my phone out for a little while. I scrolled through Instagram for a little while not for long though. There was nothing good on it anyways. Then Louis texted me...

Louis- hey love, hope I'm not interrupting your visiting time, but the girls wanted to tell you hello.
Harry- Tell then I said hi ;)
Louis- ofc. How's Gem
Harry- Fine. She went back to sleep. I'm heading home right now.
Louis- oh ok
Harry- how's home?
Louis- good.
Harry- that's good. Baby I got to go. I'm gonna take a nap
Louis- Okay babes. I love you
Harry- love you too

I sat my phone on my lap and looked out the window. I can't wait to get home.

HAPPY 28TH!!!!!!!!!! Which is perfect cause this is the 28th chapter. See what I did there hahahaha. I wanted to make this chapter long but I just couldn't lol. It wasn't flowing, so I might re write it at some point idk.
Love ya all lots

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