Part 10

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After the final bell of the day rang, my nerves started to take over. What if Harry says no? I like him to much for me to get rejected. I really, really just hope he gives me a chance.

He was normally the last one out of the building, so I waited until I saw him walking out to go outside. Finally, he was coming to the doors. I walked out and sat by parking lot. Right as I sat down he walked out.

"Harry!" I called and walked over to him. He looked up and smiled. He picked up his pace as he was walking towards me.

"Hi Louis." He scrunched his nose.

"Hey Harry I was wondering if you Uh, maybe wanted to go out tonight?" I nervously asked.

His smiled widened, "I would Uh l-love to." He said.


"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"You'll see. How about I pick you up at 8?"

"Yeah that sounds good." His smile was still present. His face beamed. It was quite cute.

"Okay Harry I'll see you then."

"Okay." He began to walk. "Oh uh Lou?" He said.


"What should I wear?"

"Uh something casual. Like comfy."

"Oh okay."

I did it. He said yes. Now I just had to make sure this is perfect. I walked over to my car and hoped in. My grin was so big. I couldn't believe I was going out with Harry.


I was going out with Louis. He liked me. He liked me as more than a friend, just like Liam said. I pulled out my phone after I sat down in my car. I called Liam.

"What's up Harry?"

"Liam, Louis just asked me out!"

"Did you say yes?"



"I'm just kidding. Of course I did."

"Where are you guys going?"

"I think it's s surprise. He didn't tell me."

"Hopefully it's somewhere good."

"It's Louis, anywhere we go will be good."

"I'm happy for you Harry."

"Thanks Li. I'm going to go so I can drive."


I hit end call and sat my phone in the cup holder. What am I going to tell my mom? Is she going to be mad? You know what? She doesn't need to know who I'm going with, or even that I'm going on a date.

I started my car and began to calm down. As I tuned the radio on my head cleared. The only thing I was thinking of was my date with Louis.

Why am I dressing casual for a date? Does he know on first dates you normally don't dress really casual. My phone starting blinking.

Louis was calling.

I took one hand off of The wheel and put my phone to my ear.


"Hey Harry, by casual I mean sweats, not jeans."

"Louis why? It's a date."

"You'll see. Remember dress comfy."

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