If you know me

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Okay this story or book or whatever it is has gotten more views than I expected it to and I realized that something my friends were on Wattpad that might find it and know who I am so if you know who I am please do not mention this book to me in real life cuz that'd be kind of embarrassing.

And if you're expecting this book to get any new updates I wouldn't count on it unless I get like a request or something, and even if that does happen I'm probably just going to put it in a separate book.

So anyways, I would just like to say thank you for all of the views and all the reads I didn't think that this would get anything past like a hundred to be quite honest, so it is a bit of a shock that this book might be semi viral or something of that sorts which is crazy to think about but anyways thanks for reading my book.

                           - Signing off, Virgil

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