Chapter 23

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Lorelai Adams

Jace and I froze. There was another loud creaking noise and a male voice cried out in agony. Shit, shit, shit! I grabbed my pants and quickly shimmied into them whilst Jace looked at me in confusion. I had to keep him busy.

“Jace, grab my cell and call Sam,” I ordered him as I clasped my bra and yanked my boots on. “Explain what happened, but make sure it’s definitely Sam on the other end.”

“What!” Jace exclaimed as he realised what I was doing. “Hell no, you are not going out there. We’ll get out of here and go to the cops.”

“Just do it!” I bounded out of the car and sprinted to the car nearby, skidding behind some shrubs. I pulled the knife out of my boot and surveyed the surroundings. There was a definite disturbance in the car; the growls coming from it were not human. I mentally kicked myself. I had stupidly come to the place we’d come to hunt unprepared and unaware. Dean was going to freak.

I held my breath as footsteps approached me from behind. Thankfully, it was just Jace. I pulled him down behind the shrub.

“Is he on his way?” I asked him quietly.

Jace nodded. “What the hell is going on, Lorelai?”

“You’re going to go back to your car and you’re going to go home,” I told him. “Don’t call the cops; they’ll just get in the way.”

Jace put his hand in his pocket and, to my surprise, pulled out a 40 calibre pistol. “I can help.” Jace insisted. I yanked the gun out of his hand. It was helpful, but I wished he had bought my shirt over too.

“You’ll get this back, I promise,” I got ready to run. “Now go!”

I burst out of the shrub and jerked open the car door to see a sight that would forever be burned into my brain. A blond woman lied limply across the front seat and was soaking everything in blood. It was the situation in the back however that I’d never be able to forget. A flayed human-shaped creature had a knife to a large man’s arm and was in the process of carving the skin off of his arm. I resisted the urge to throw up and shot him in the head, cursing that the bullets weren’t rock salt.

It did however distract the creature as I had wished it to. His head swivelled round sharply on his torso to face me and his features suddenly distorted more so than before. I swallowed down a scream and jumped back, pulling my knife out of my pocket in the process. The creature whirled on me in fury injecting me with another cool dose of fear.

That one second in which I faced my opponent seemed much longer. Thoughts ran through my head like water bursts through a faulty dam: Where the hell was Sam and Dean? Did Jace go home? I kind of hope he didn’t so I’m not alone. Why didn’t my mother tell John he had a daughter? Would I be in this position if she had? But it was the last thought that scared me. I don’t care if I die.

That was when I heard the familiar rumble of the Impala. That was also when in what seemed like the speed of light, the creature flew at me. Now one of the crappiest things about being female was that most of the time male’s outweighed you. This was one of those times when it really sucked. Speed plus weight launched my off my feet and I slammed into a tree trunk, my head hitting it hard. I was too dizzy to move all of a sudden and black was dotting my vision. The creature put a knife to my arm and I screamed. My nerves were on fire and I dreaded what he was about to do.

I didn’t hear the gunshot over my screaming, but I heard Dean’s anguished yell.

LORI!” The next thing I knew, he was by my side. I struggled to stay conscious as I knew I definitely had a concussion. 

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