Chapter 10

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Lorelai Adams

I began to regain consciousness.

My head was heavy and it ached intensely. The first thing I did was attempt to move my hands, only to find that I couldn't. I freaked and woke abruptly, recalling the previous events and that was when I realized that I was tied up by my wrists to the ceiling. I whimpered slightly and instantly missed Dean. I was in some sort of cave. I could hear a dripping sound and it was so dark.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I could see nothing but shadows, thanks to the moonlight. I looked around for a sign of the Wendigo. My heart froze when I saw a silhouette I assumed to be it. I was out of time. I struggled in the ropes, praying that they would break. The silhouette spoke.

“Is someone there?” I froze. That was a normal man's voice. My heart slowed to it's usual steady pace.

“Yes." I replied. "I'm Lorelai, and I'm getting us the hell out of here.”

“Yeah, right." He replied sarcastically. "Sorry but we're fucked.”

“With that negative attitude, yeah, sure.” I yanked down hard on the ropes with all my strength hoping that it was weak in at least one area. Nothing happened. I tried again. 

“Just what exactly do you plan to do?”

“I plan-” I pulled again, gritting my teeth and ignoring the warm blood trickling down my arm. “-to break this rope-” and again, squinting in pain as the dirty ropes dug into my skin. “-and burn that motherfucker to ashes.”

“With what?”

“With my flamethrower that I'm going to find.” I yanked down the rope again. I could feel the dirty rope cutting into the large cut. I seriously hope that the blood wouldn't attract to Wendigo.

“You have a flamethrower?” He asked, stunned.

“Yeah, I have loads of weapons.” I looked up and noticed the rocks surrounding the rope. Smiling to myself, I repositioned myself to catch the rope on a rock, hoping that it had a sharp point. I grunted in pain as I tugged the rope down again. And again. And again. I didn't stop. If I stopped, I would have time to feel the pain.

I was getting tired by now, but I knew I was close. I took one more almighty pull and the rope snapped, causing me to fall to the floor.

“Lorelai! Are you okay?!”

“I'm super.” I got up and took out my knife. I cut the rope holding the man. “C'mon, we gotta go now!” I searched my pocket to use my phone as a light source, but it wasn't there. “Shit!” I exclaimed. “I've just bought that phone!”

We carried on through the cave and finally found the exit, where much to my pleasure it was raining.

 “Okay.” I began. “We've got to make a break for it. Run as fast and as quiet as you can.” He nodded. He looked petrified, and not much older than me. His shirt was ripped and had blood seeping through it. It looked fresh. My voice went from 'competitive football coach' to 'concerned friend'.

“What's your name?” I asked him.


“We are going to get out of here, you hear me?" I smiled gently at him. "I wont let you get hurt.”

“But, no offense, you're a girl and you look quite young.” 

“How old are you, Travis?” I asked, my voice back to stern.


“I'm 17." I told him. "Yes, I'm younger, and not by much by the way, but trust me when I say I've had way more training than you. And don't be sexist. I can't get you out of this if you wont trust me.” Travis nodded at me. I grabbed his arm and we started running through the rain.

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