Chapter 16

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This place sucked. It was a motel for hookers. Dean of course loved it. His obsession for magic fingers was becoming really unhealthy and extremely disturbing. In the week we'd been in Lafayette because there had been another case of a skinned male and a wounded female. Both of the cases had been down the same stretch of road and the victims had all been from Merrick Gates High. I wished Sam and Dean would hurry up and get back. They'd checked the stretch of road three times now and I was bored out of my skull. I had resorted to watching MTV. I hate MTV with a passion but it was a hell of a lot better than CSI. I didn't know what it was but there was something I couldn't stand about that damn show. I turned my head around as the door opened. Sam and Dean entered.

“Hey Lori.” Dean smiled.

“I'll forgive you for taking so long if that's food in the bag.” I told Dean. He threw it at me and I caught it. The extensive training I had been having had sharpened my reflexes ridiculously. I opened the bag to find a bacon cheeseburger and fries. “Okay, you're forgiven.” I informed them. “Did you find anything?”

“No. It was a waste of time like I thought. Could have spent it better.” Dean replied.

“I just thought we should double check.” Sam said, sticking up for himself. “We've missed stuff before.”

“Yeah, but don't tell Lori that. She might think we're flawed.” Dean said jokingly.

“Oh, I know you're flawed.” Dean aimed a playful hit at me and I dodged.

“Hey, Sammy I was thinking. You know both of these cases are connected to Merrick Gates High? How about we send Lori back to school and see what she can dig up?” I widened my eyes in horror.

“No, please don't send me back to school!” I'd always hated school. I have the annoying ability to see right through a person. Everyone at my last school was fake. I didn't trust any of them.

“I don't know Lori.” Sam told me. “It actually sounds like a pretty good idea. You can get the insight and I really don't think you should completely drop out of school. You might regret it one day.” I thought about it. It did make sense whether I liked it or not. I sighed.

“Damn it. Fine. I'm going to bed.” It was late. I was already in my pajamas. I tucked myself into the thin sheets, trying to refrain from imagining what gross acts might have been performed in them. I was struggling to get to sleep that night. Partly because of my loud thoughts but mostly because of the volume of the loud TV. I got out of bed and stood in front of the TV with my hands on my hips in what I hoped was an intimidating stance.

“Problem?” Dean asked me with his eyebrows raised. Sometimes he got on my nerves so bad.

“Damn right there is and you know there is.”

“Turn it down?”

“Turn it down.”

“Make me.” I was too tired for this. I walked up to the plug for the TV and pulled it out.

“Keep it that way. Why don't you try to sleep anyway? It's 2 in the morning. You too Sam.” Sam's eyes were straining to keep open. He wasn't kidding anyone.

“I'll come to bed in a minute.” He told me. Sam and I were in the king bed and Dean had the sofa bed. Dean was a cover thief. I went back to bed, satisfied about the noise level and snuggled back into the sheets. I closed my eyes but sleep still wouldn't find me. It was long after Dean's snores and Sam's soft breathing filled the room that I finally fell into a deep, confusing dream.

I was running down a long hallway that was closing in on my with speed. The end of the hallway still wasn't in sight. The walls began to squeeze me. I panicked, and then kind of accepted that I was going to die. My last breath was being pushed out of my body when a white light filled the room. I squeezed my eyes shut, assuming angels were the cause. When I opened them again, I was in the middle of a large circular room. I was so small. There was a chair up a large staircase and a blonde woman was sitting in it. Mom? She smiled at me, her face filled with warmth. I felt my heart flutter. I ran up the stairs and reached the top. I was crying tears of joy. She smiled up at me.

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