Chapter 7

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Lorelai Adams

“This is Sam, Dean and Lorelai.” Ellen announced to the survivors. “They're hunters. They're here to help.” I felt a little uncomfortable. I could tell the people around us were in pain, scared and grieving. One huge part of me wanted to comfort them, but another selfish part was telling me to keep to myself and that it was their problem. The reasonable part of my brain was saying stay close to Sam and Dean and stay quiet. I wasn't yet sure if I trusted Ellen. She seemed nice enough but in my few weeks of training, one of the biggest rules was to trust nobody.

“You guys hip to the whole demon thing?” One man asked us. He looked in his 20s and gave off the hint of someone trying to keep it together. Who knows what family this guy must have lost. 

“Yeah." Dean replied. He was handling this all with a confidence i was jealous of.  He was apparently unaffected by all the signs that were screaming at us 'Get the fuck out of Dodge whilst you still can!'. "Are you?" 

“My neighbor came at me with a brick. Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal.” An older man answered. He, however, looked traumatized and with good reason. 

Dean turned to Ellen. “Well, catch us up.” I seconded that. This situation was fucked. I grew up in a relatively normal life and now suddenly I'm stuck in Shaun Of The Dead helping the survivors.  

“I don't know much more than you. Rufus called. Said he was in town investigating omens. He said the whole town was possessed. Me and Jo came by and-”

“You're hunting with Jo?” Dean cut in. Ellen nodded. Her eyes were giving away her worry.

“Yeah, for a while now. We got here and the place... Well, the place was like you saw it. We couldn't find Rufus and then me and Jo got separated. I was out looking for her when I found you.”

“Don't worry, we'll find her.” Dean promised. 

“Either way.” Sam broke in to the conversation. “We've got to get these people out, now.” Sam was a little bit nervous. I could tell by the way he was shuffling.  I noticed it was just Dean who wasn't. 

“No, it's not that easy, believe me I've tried. We've already made a break for it once.”

“What happened?” I asked. 

“There used to be 20 of us.” Now that I thought about it, there were only 11 people down here. Shit

“Well there's three of us now.” Dean pointed out. Oh. So I guess I didn't count. That was fair, I suppose. 

“No, you don't know what it was like." Ellen said shaking her head. "They were everywhere.”

“What if we gave them all guns.” Sam suggested.

“I'm not sure if that would work.”

“The more salt we can fire at demons, the more demons we can keep away.”

“There's a shop we saw on the way in that might sell guns.” Dean remembered.

“Alright.” Sam said. “You all stay here and we'll go and get some.”

“Well what about-” Ellen was cut off by Dean.

“Jo and Rufus are still out there. We'll bring them back.” Dean turned to me. “You stay here, Lori.” The problem was that I was kind of excited now. I kind of wanted to go. I was an adrenaline junkie and I wanted my fix.

“Can't I come with you?” I asked him. “Come on, It would be good training!”

“No, you've got to stay safe. Stay here with Ellen and help her teach these how to use a shotgun.” I didn't really want to stay here. I've never been good at comforting people. I just don't like hearing people drone on about their problems. I'm a hypocrite, I know, but I just never say the right thing.

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