My brother

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Clary's pov
I knew I remembered something about a brother named Edward , we used to play together when we were little

He loved me and took care of me , I remember now , zues came down to earth one day while Edward and I were playing

He said that Edward has to go to Olympus and that he loved me . " I promise you that on your sixteenth birthday , I'll find you " Edward said as he kissed my forehead

Well he kept his promise . I looked at him and hugged him tightly . " I missed you " I said , " I love you " Edward said " I love you more " I said
" I love you most " he whispered

After I hugged him I went to my cousins who I haven't seen in 5 years .
Then we went to the lake that they own and hung out there having a family reunion .

Then lightning struck and zues came out and walked over to me . he hugged me and I hugged him back , I haven't see im him since Edward went to Olympus .

" My daughter I missed you so much " he says , " I missed you too " I reply with a smile

" Father ? What are you doing here ? " Edward asked " I'm here to give my precious daughter her stele on her sixteenth birthday like I did to you of course .

He handed me a white stele that glows so bright ," it's call a lighting stele , only 2 of its kind

Created by lightning bolt , your brother here is the other one who has it . " Father says

" Unfortunetley I have to go , remember I love you daughter . " He says and with that lightning struck and he was gone

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