A feather of hope?

Start from the beginning

"Then I'd like to hear what you want to do," Niklaus told her, grinning broadly, "I'm not so stupid and tell you what I'm up to," she replied, to which Camille smiled, but she also worried Ella. "It was worth trying," Niklaus commented, ordering Camille to follow him, which earned him a comment on how to deal with people instead of treating them like dogs.

"Whatever you plan against Niklaus, I'm not going to stop you," I promised her, "Wouldn't you manage," Ella replied, I had the guess that if I stopped her, I would also be a victim of her revenge and I honestly didn't want to find out what exactly she would do with me.

"And if I still want to stop you?" I paused, to which Ella looked at me, "Then Kol will certainly help me to make you harmless, or Rebekah, siblings are very quickly ready to help in such matters," she replied with a smile. Kol would certainly help her, Rebekah probably even if she had the right reasons.

"It sounds like you have siblings yourself," I remarked, noting that she had a younger sister, 5 years younger, but she never had a good relationship with her. They had argued more than holding together that my siblings, when it mattered, kept to me, they didn't know from their sister. Even though Niklaus reminded her of her sister in some ways, "How does he remind you of your sister?" I informed myself as I followed her into the kitchen. "Klaus sees herself in the right and does not apologize, she always did, she was right, only she was right and Klaus reminds me of that, but he would do anything for his family, something I'm not sure she would do," she replied to me, and I could guess that despite everything, her family was missing her.

"We've always had a difficult sibling relationship," she added, appearing to doubt whether she should eat something or not.

"And again you told me something about you," I remarked with a slight smile on my lips, to which Ella looked at me, "Because I have a sister who reminds me of Klaus?" She paused and the incredulous tone in her voice, also marked on her face. Pure disbelief.

"For the way you don't want to get to know you, you've already told me a lot about you," I analyzed her and watched her facial expressions. Ella looked at me as if she was trying to figure out what I was doing with the analysis.

"An insider told me that you wouldn't give up anyway and he compared you to a red-mouthed man who bites in his prey," she told me, leaving open which of my siblings had compared me to a dog. "So I'm like Rottweiler?" I told myself, "According to the insider already,"she replied to me and turned to the right. Just when I wanted to ask her who my siblings were the insider, a familiar voice penetrated my ears. Hayley and Jackson were back, and Niklaus didn't seem very pleased with the fact Jackson had his daughter on his arm, which I said he didn't want to see his daughter in the arms of a wolf.

Niklaus came into the kitchen and carried Hope on his arm, "It's hard to believe," he snorted angrily, ignoring Ella and me. "How does he come to carry my daughter on his arm," he added annoyedly, and just when I wanted to notice something, Niklaus fell on the fact that he was not alone with his daughter in the room.

Instead of saying something, he left the kitchen with Hope and left Ella alone with me again. Niklaus was heading for another confrontation with Hayley and Hope would be the victim again if I didn't step in.

"You should let Klaus and Hayley sort this out on their own, they have to arrange themselves," Ella remarked to me, as if she had read my thoughts. Just when I wanted to saythat Hope would be the victim, Freya came into the kitchen with her on her arm.

"Ella is right, it's not good if we get involved and you have another job," said Freya, my companion, right, it was amazing how quickly my siblings accepted Ella and welcomed her into the family. Even Niklaus seemed to like Ella.

The other task was to keep Hope happy until her parents stopped arguing and Freya needed Ella to find out who had put the soul-eater on her.

To my astonishment, Hope was less interested in her toys and uncle, she was more interested in Ella, although Ella had said she couldn't do much with children, but she was still nice to Hope.

"It seems that Hope sees something that we can't see," Freya remarked, as Hope tried to reach for something where nothing could be seen.

I watched her attempts to grab something, it seemed to have to do with Ella, because she kept looking at Ella and wanted to reach for something next to her, or rather behind her.

When I lifted her up and joined Ella with her, Hope reached for something and held a bright white feather in her hand the next moment. Hope could see Ella's wings, which she already had, but because she was too young, they were still invisible.

Both Freya and Ella looked at Hope in amazement, but she smiled happily and held the feather. "How did you get the feather?" asked Hayley, as she took over her daughter fromone arm, and her father also looked at us with anticipation, even if he looked as if a whole pack of wolves had tried to tear his clothes. Hayley himself didn't look much better either, but one thing seemed to have caused the altercation, they had agreed on how they wanted to continue to be there for their daughter.

"The feather comes from Ella, your daughter can see the wings that are invisible to us because she is too young an angel of earth," Freya explained, looking at the feather that Hope held in her hand.

"This feather will protect your daughter, the energy that comes from it will protect her for a very long time," my sister added. I couldn't help wondering if the fact that Ella had been brought into our world was the hope for my family was the healing for my family that we thought was Hope. Perhaps Ella could help my family and take away the burden of hope on Hope.

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